That time when Obama stripped security clearance of guy who was too much of a burr in his saddle – IOTW Report

That time when Obama stripped security clearance of guy who was too much of a burr in his saddle

Where was the left with their charge that Obama was wielding excessive power for political reasons?

Wash Times-

A Trump-supporting Pentagon analyst was stripped of his security clearance by Obama-appointed officials after he complained of questionable government contracts to Stefan Halper, the FBI informant who spied on the Trump presidential campaign.
Adam Lovinger, a 12-year strategist in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, complained to his bosses about Halper contracts in the fall of 2016, his attorney, Sean M. Bigley, told The Washington Times.

On May 1, 2017, his superiors yanked his security clearance and relegated him to clerical chores.

Mr. Bigley filed a complaint July 18 with the Pentagon’s senior ethics official, charging that Mr. Lovinger’s superiors misused the security clearance process to punish him. He said his client complained about excessive “sweetheart” deals for Mr. Halper and for a “best friend” of Chelsea Clinton.

“As it turns out, one of the two contractors Mr. Lovinger explicitly warned his ONA superiors about misusing in 2016 was none other than Mr. Halper,” Mr. Bigley wrote in his ethics complaint, which called the contracts “cronyism and corruption.”



8 Comments on That time when Obama stripped security clearance of guy who was too much of a burr in his saddle

  1. How about Sandy “Burglar” Berger?
    Perhaps he should have been stripped of his clearance by the Bush 43 administration?

    According to the charges, Berger — between September 2 and October 2, 2003 — “knowingly removed classified documents from the National Archives and Records Administration and stored and retained such documents at places,” such as his private Washington office.
    The documents taken by Berger dealt with the terror threats during the 2000 millennium celebration, according to parties in the case.

    We’ll never know what the hell that Clinton crony rat-bastard shoved in his sock.
    He got a slap on the wrist.
    Oh, and he assumed room temperature a few years back.

    Things that make you go hmmm….

  2. Why does anyone who leaves the government still retain the security clearance they had as a govt. employee?

    If they go to work for an outside vendor then that vendor should be responsible to re-submit their personnel for a review and subsequent altered security clearance. I do believe ….


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