That was quick: Proud #NeverTrumper Fired From His Fresh Gig – IOTW Report

That was quick: Proud #NeverTrumper Fired From His Fresh Gig

Kevin D. Williamson, the ex-National Review NeverTrumper, recently announced his new gig over at Atlantic, the lefty site.

I dubbed him one of the Boredom Baldies, a reference to the punk gang, the Fordham Baldies, from the movie The Wanderers. It seems a lot of NeverTrumpers are bald for some reason. (McMuffin, Ben Howe, David French..) (Not that there’s anything wrong with being bald, it’s just an observation- like the NeverTrumpers started a lodge and baldness was a cheap way of not having to lodge hats.)

Like other NeverTrump dopes, he felt comfortable in enemy waters. Well, he was fired.

Atlantic archives lists ONE article. ONE. lololololol.


Two weeks ago, The Atlantic announced that it was hiring Kevin D. Williamson, a conservative who’s written for years at the National Review, as an “ideas columnist.” On Thursday, editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg announced that Williamson had been fired. So what changed in that handful of days?

Williamson’s hire drew immediate ire when it was announced because he is a troll demon who’s tweeted that women who get abortions should be hanged and written pieces where he described black children as “three-fifths-scale Snoop Dogg” and trans actress Laverne Cox as “an effigy of a woman.”

In an internal memo on the hire published by Slate, Goldberg defended his decision to bring Williamson on board, renewing his call for “intellectual diversity,” and dismissing the writer’s atrocious tweets, writing, “I don’t think that taking a person’s worst tweets, or assertions, in isolation is the best journalistic practice.” Williamson, Goldberg argued, deserved a “second chance.”

Earlier this week, Media Matters dug up clips from Williamson’s podcast that basically reiterated all of his heinous views, including, once again, that women who get abortions should be executed. Today, Goldberg referenced the resurfaced podcasts as one of the reasons why he was firing Williamson. Goldberg said that despite Williamson being a “gifted writer,” the podcast showed that “the original tweet did, in fact, represent his carefully considered views.”


I can confirm that Williamson is indeed a smug a-hole on Twitter and a bit of a bully.

“In the past, I have often enjoyed Kevin Williamson’s essays. Even when I found them occasionally incoherent and cruel, I thought it hardly my business to object to a colleague’s writing.But I gather, under changed circumstances, such deference no longer applies, given that in Williamson’s very first column at The Atlantic he attacks both me, and in a backhanded way, his former employer National Review for publishing a recent article I wrote.” – Victor Davis Hanson

The rest of Hanson’s essay HERE.


16 Comments on That was quick: Proud #NeverTrumper Fired From His Fresh Gig

  1. Hohoho and a bottle of rum! Years ago, I enjoyed some of Williamson’s work, but, today….? Poor baby, The Atlantic fired you….? ….and the National Review won’t take you back…? ….smile…

    Maybe we should execute *you* and put you out of your misery.? ..Lady in Red

  2. Intellectuals and their petty arguments with each other are boring, be they left, right or center.

    I hadn’t planned on reading Williamson again now that he left NR, so this saves me happening across his writings in the future by accident or platform directioning.

  3. I never could get on the Williamson train. Just not to my taste. However, I am bald. And I mean bald. Like a cueball. Also I am dead sexy. I am not, however a anti-Trumper.

  4. Oh well, I’m the type of guy who will never settle down

    Where petty stories are, well you know that I’m around

    I tweet ’em and I love ’em cause to me they’re all the same

    I hug ’em and I squeeze ’em they don’t even know I’m lame

    They call me the wonderer
    Yeah, the wonderer
    I roam around, around, around

    [Verse 2]
    Oh well, I got fired from the left and fired from the right

    And I have no Idea where I’ll work tonight

    And then when My Friends ask Me who I love the best

    I tear open my shirt and I got “CNN” on my chest

    Cuz I’m a Wonderer, Yea a Wonderer

  5. Token conservatives given jobs in the liberal media are in the process of getting fired as soon as they are hired.

    Fake conservatives can write unquoteable pap forever and never fear the axe.

  6. Williamson is a gifted writer and I was disheartened to see he was a NeverTrumper, but not too put out, as I didn’t find him compelling enough to read on a regular basis. However, to find that he attacks VDH, that’s an automatic kill switch on any further reading of his. What a dick.

  7. the Cal GOP has run only leftist + far leftists for statewide ofice for 30 years (With the exception of Arnie in ’03 – he really was a conservative FOR 1 YEAR – VDH should be proof that if they really want to win (and I do not think they do!) they should run a conservative! VDH is from what my ancestors called “the Kern Valley’; in Mexifornia we call it “the San Juaqiun Valley”. Mexifornia for you Easterners is a term VDH invented decades ago to desribe ho the libs in BOTH parties are destroying Cal.

  8. Agreed Auntie L.
    There was a time I liked Williamson.
    Not a huge fan, but I liked him enough to link him from time to time.
    But he was one of the most VILE anti-Trumpers, often retweeting lefty crap.

    I would call him out on it and he would simply tweet back some inane illogical BS, or just smugly write something along the lines of “I’m better than you.”

    He’s a horse’s dick.


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