That’s A Lot to Unroll – IOTW Report

That’s A Lot to Unroll

Raw Egg Nationalist

A surprising source of PFAS exposure and pollution is toilet paper, as a recent study reveals.

Toilet paper has been shown to contain significant doses of PFAS chemicals linked to impaired testicular function in men.

A study from March of this year revealed that significant quantities of PFAS are found in virtually every brand of toilet paper on the market. The average American will use 26kg of toilet paper a year. 19+ billion lb of toilet paper are flushed down American toilets each year. More

22 Comments on That’s A Lot to Unroll

  1. ” average American will use 26kg of toilet paper a year”

    that is 56 pounds- what do people do with all of that?
    for once, I”m glad to identify as ‘below average’

  2. geoff the aardvark AT 6:20 PM
    “If we just used our left hands like the muzzies do to wipe their ass, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

    …you should be there when they’re washing their dicks in the sink and blowing boogers all over the linoleum, believe me that shitty digits are the LEAST of the problem…

  3. @SNS – I witnessed that in a train station bathroom in NJ a few years back. I chose not to wash in that sink after using the urinal. I figured I was safer with the germs I already had than what that animal left in the sink.

  4. Y’all didn’t see the ‘Japanese Toilet’ episode earlier this year on South Park.
    The TP industry RUNS this country. Don’t mess.
    I swear that episode isn’t about the pharma/covid shot industry. Pinky swear! 🙂

    Oh, and I got one of those inexpensive bidets on Amazon. Don’t use it every time, but it is effective. Gotta check out those Japanese toilets sometime…

  5. Back when the toilet paper run happened I installed bidets. My twice a year hemorrhoid flare up disappeared and our toilet paper usage dropped to 10% of what it had been.

  6. It takes me months to go through one roll of butt paper. Somehow my wife can kill 48 rolls in a week. And none of it gets flushed into the septic tank, so I don’t know where it goes.


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