That’s a Mouthful – IOTW Report

That’s a Mouthful


It’s Asian lady beetle season and a veterinarian in Kansas is warning dog owners to check their animals if they are “drooling excessively or with apparent foaming at the mouth.”


9 Comments on That’s a Mouthful

  1. We have been inundated with them here for the past few weeks. They are looking for a warm place to hibernate for the winter. I opened the mailbox the other day and it was full of the critters. They are swarming all over our neighbors garage.

    I didn’t know they could get in dogs’ mouths, though. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Some friends of mine had a large White Lab that would snap at wasps, and sometimes eat one. Did it for years. He wouldn’t chase bees or flies, only wasps. Odd.

    And my new HouseCat is Hell on bugs. He will chase any fly that gets in until he kills it. Also spiders.
    There was a skeeter in the bedroom the other night. HC watched it ’till it got too near. He snatched it out of the air, and then went back to sleep.
    Mission accomplished.

  3. one of my dogs – the one who spent three hours eating cicadas when they hatched earlier this summer – was panting and drooling this afternoon..i saw her snap at one of those beschniglecht insects…..checked her out as best i could, by scraping the top of her mouth with my finger real fast before she could bite it off (my finger, i mean), but didn’t find any bugs….

    i think, the dogs can get rid of them on their own, but it doesn’t hurt to check – unless you get your fingers chewen off….and i’m sure some dogs will not be able to dislodge the nasty creatures…..

    yesterday was “japanese lady beetle day” here…i sat my kitten on a kitchen stool by the front door, and she spent a long long time watching the “air show” outside, and also the ones who were walking along the outside of the window….she’s a kitten (even if she IS 3 years old), and easily entertained…… 🙂

    and because i am still a kitten – DO NOT ASK – i am also easily entertained, watching her be easily entertained….which is probably why nothing ever actually gets DONE around here……….

    it’s a strange world we live in, and some morons think it all came about by accident….weird…… 🙂

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