That’s Quite a Shillelagh You’re Sportin’ There Patrick – IOTW Report

That’s Quite a Shillelagh You’re Sportin’ There Patrick

The claim is that an Irish town next to the Viagra factory in County Cork (yes.. CORK) has turned the men into walking stiffs.

They say that even the dogs run around with their kickstands down.

I doubt it. It sounds like urban legend. But maybe not?

NY Post

“I think that Viagra must have got into the water supply,” added Toomey, who used to work at the Pfizer factory. “I’m convinced that’s what happened at the very beginning before they were so closely regulated.”

Village dwellers chuckled at the news that Viagra will soon be made available over the counter in the UK, noting they’ve never had to pay a cent.

“We’ve been getting the love fumes for years now for free,” Debbie’s mother, Sadie, told the paper.

“It’s amazing the number of people who come to this village, perhaps out of curiosity, and then never leave,” she added. “They settle down here. As they say, there’s something in the air — not that we need it, of course. But for some fellas with problems in that department, it can be a blessing.”


ht/ JS

29 Comments on That’s Quite a Shillelagh You’re Sportin’ There Patrick

  1. I see where Ringaskiddy is only about 20 clicks away from the castle where they have the Blarney Stone. So I guess if you were on the road from one location to the other, that would put you between a rock and a hard place.

  2. Viavet, I don’t know what you’re smoking or drinking, but it has improved your writing ability by several hundred percent! Tell me what it is and where I can get some!

  3. @Uncle Al: Don’t fret – I’ve actually finished with the treatments as of last year, and hopefully it did its job. Getting scanned periodically now and keeping my fingers crossed.

    I still blame all my weird and sick humor, lapses of memory, and other misbehavior on it, though. When I need an excuse for such things I tell everyone I have “chemo brain”.

    Come to think of it, maybe I really do.


  4. TO VietVet

    NAH. Your “weird and sick humor, lapses of memory, and other misbehavior” is due to being sexually normal…and maybe listening to folks like us here.. 😉 !!

  5. @Eugenia: Read my comment to Uncle Al. Sorry I got everybody rattled by implying I was still taking the Red Devil – I was just trying to be clever. Hopefully I’ll still be kicking after 14 years someday, just like you.

    Again, my apologies, but it’s the chemo brain that makes me do these things.


  6. @organgrinder: Actually, it was Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Like I told the oncologist, it’s the first time I ever had a disease that was defined by what it is not.

    P.S. – Your sense of humor is almost as warped as mine is. Did you have chemotherapy too?


  7. May you all live to 120. Perhaps it’s a bit selfish, but all my friends have always been at least a dozen years older than I. And after losing Ray, and now Baker is heading back to Idaho, well, online friends (that’s you knuckleheads) are all I have left.

    VV, Extir, organ, Unc, Eugenia, Plants, Hey! Where’s Cato and OldOaks, and Illustr8r? Even you, CoD, whom I often think push a point much too harshly… Claudia, Tar, MJA, BEG, Boobie, and many others I’m forgetting now. And, of course, the Hat, who takes the trash out for us every night and keeps the lights on.

    I’d sure love to have a beer or 10 with the lot of you one night. Y’all mean the (IOT)world to me.
    I’d be lost without the lot of ya.

  8. @Reboot – Hang in there, and here’s hoping for the best. I just put myself in the doc’s hands and did what he said I needed to do. So far that seems to be working out. Not a fun ride, but you gotta do whatever keeps you on the green side of the grass, if you can.

    @Uncle Al: Not your fault – I would have read it the same way, too. That’s what I get for being a smartass.

    Plus, did I mention I have chemo brain?


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