“That’s Why They’re Pygmies” – IOTW Report

“That’s Why They’re Pygmies”

Still one of the best comments on iOTW. It was authored by Angry Pancreas. It was one of those stories about how us stupid Americans could learn so much from other civilizations. This time it was an aboriginal tribe of pygmies where the fathers go through the motions of “nurturing” babies just for the sake of closeness with the child.

‘That’s why they’re pygmies.” – Angry Pancreas

Now we get THIS from Gateway Pundit.

ht/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

29 Comments on “That’s Why They’re Pygmies”

  1. I was just about to go to bed, now I have to stay up and drink a snifter of Drambouie to get that out of my mind. Man, that stuff is terrible, but it will make you forget about everything else.

  2. I should have known better…. (as she clunks her head down on the keyboard).

    As long as the Lunatic Left promotes this stuff as “The New Normal” there will be no motivation to research and cure it.

  3. Got side tracked at work before I could post first and warn everyone.

    At least the “couple” that James Woods referred to being stuffed into the freezer were an actual male/female marriage and not freaks like these two. And so mentally deranged that they also choose to put a child through what he’ll experience growing up.

  4. @Anymouse — Tragically, the child is the last consideration in these situations. Notice the “guy’s” motivation was so that “he” could look like a man. Projecting his own stuff onto a mere baby. Let’s hope the two of them don’t drive the three of them off a cliff in California someday. Anyone else notice how quickly that news disappeared down the Leftist media rat hole?

  5. As someone that always took pride in my hygiene and a modicum of vanity about my appearance, I cannot understand why anyone purposely makes themselves as disgustingly repulsive as the subjects of the above article. When stopping by Sheets for my daily $1.60 espresso, I find that these 2 are not unique these days.
    I’m ugly myself these days, but I earned it through age and ailment, not by choice.

  6. Because the media has made this a popular cause the freaks are coming out of the woodwork. When they grow bored and move on to some other absurd cause these freaks will return to the shadows and plan their suicides.

  7. Whoever did the surgery has got to be one of the worst surgeons ever. Or they do such a bad hack job on purpose. Holy cow! That poor kid. And I thought my ex daughter in law was insane.

  8. “One of them is how to pee standing up — something Sabastion does with the help of a detachable prosthetic.”

    I’m confused. Is Sabastion a boy or a girl? These people are Nucking Futs. My heart goes out to the poor toddler who doesn’t have a chance with these whack jobs.

  9. OK … OK … somebody boned that?
    Are you fucking kidding?

    How? I mean, really, how did some guy get an erection for that?
    Gin? Rhino horn? Bear paw? LSD? Death threat? HR Clinton fan-boy?

    Maybe there are some things we’re not meant to know.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Tim, I was thinking a revolver barrel pressed to the head, however, that would probably make it as difficult to achieve erection as the sight of that thing holding it.
    Self-destruction takes a new low.

  11. I don’t know how breast removal surgery is performed, but it seems to me that unless you have breast cancer, there is more than enough excess skin there to make a proper job of it, including saving the nipples. This woman’s surgical scars seem to scream out, “LOOK AT ME!! LOOK! I USED TO HAVE BREASTS!! I’M NOW TRANS!!”

    Don’t they? Anyone who would shout their so-called private decisions like that, at the very least, has a lot of mental instability to begin with.

  12. @ Grimm – Paul Harvey, if he did do a story like this, he would start off by saying ” no, we do not live in one world”…

    My goodness I miss his logic, wit and common sense…none in this story!! And no I did not even bother reading.

    Good Day!


  13. I thought the same thing, Abigail. It looks she she did her own mastectomy after watching a how-to YouTube video.

    Tim, did you see the man/woman/whatever this thing mated with? He/she/it could scare a blow-up doll off.


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