The 1932 and 1939 Project: How the New York Times Covered up Murder and Genocide – IOTW Report

The 1932 and 1939 Project: How the New York Times Covered up Murder and Genocide

American Thinker:

With the launching of the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” the paper of record seeks to reframe American history.  Formerly we had foolishly assumed the birth of the nation to be July 4, 1776, with the writing of the Declaration of Independence.  But no, the paper of record has another date in mind. 

It turns out to be 1619, with the importing of the first African slaves to America.  That moment, the Times believes, more accurately depicts the founding of the nation and its underlying precepts.  We now learn that our Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, or our disingenuous claim that “all men are created equal” do not define the nation.  Rather, it is that America is a uniquely racist and exploitative enterprise, a criminal operation, morally stained in its DNA, founded as it is on the institution of slavery.  Furthermore, we are to understand that all the advances and benefits that have accrued to our nation in its 243-year history, come not from our religious underpinnings, individual and private property rights, free markets, and our constitutional system of limited government, but rather — you guessed it — slavery.

Others have refuted the ideologic and political 1619 Project, so I will not retrace ground covered elsewhere. It makes more sense to declare a new project that I will describe as the “1932 and 1939 Project,” not as a new timeline and birthdate for the founding of the nation but rather as the origin of the despairingly predictable leftist propaganda machine that the media have become.  Why 1932 and 1939?  These are the years that the NY Times chose to ignore, cover up, and whitewash for ideological purposes what were among the worst genocides of the 20th century — the Ukraine famine and the Holocaust. read more

11 Comments on The 1932 and 1939 Project: How the New York Times Covered up Murder and Genocide

  1. What’s astounding is the ignorance that surrounds the NYTs complete subservience to both National and Inter-National Socialism.

    Not only did they hide the atrocities of Stalin’s collectivization programs, genocide against Ukrainians, Belorussians, Poles, and Balts; they criticized National Socialism until the Hitler-Stalin Pact, which they then glorified both forms of socialism until Operation Barbarossa.

    AND NONE OF IT IS SECRET! That’s the astounding part! Duranty won a Pulitzer!
    Our willful ignorance will be our undoing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Shut the msm down and put their employees in prison.

    That is what Abe Licncoln did. And he is considered a hero today.

    It doesn’t matter if there was a civil war. The supreme court told him he couldnt’ do it even though there was a civil war. He told them to get fucked.

  3. TIM

    He won that “Prize” because the same KGB that has run the NYT for 90 years also has run Columbia. My kin all knew why he got the “Prize” and why the Pulitzer to this day awards “Prizes” to hate mongers – Americans are bad hate mongers!

    Their “news” on WW@ had Jarheads as racist bad guys and Japs as victims of white nationalism! I know because I read then (on micro film) myself! NYT hates America!

  4. Every powerful nation in history prior to the Industrial Revolution (that would be all of them) was built, in whole or in part, by slaves. Slavery was the rule rather than the exception before mechanization. I was taught this in high school. Apparently, NYT journalists weren’t paying attention in high school.

  5. “Their hero Roosevelt turned away a ship loaded with jews desperate to escape the nazi’s too.”

    To those who hero-i-cize Roosevelt, returning the St. Louis to Germany was “just desserts.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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