“The 1st Amendment Protects People From Right-Wing Bigotry” – College Student – IOTW Report

“The 1st Amendment Protects People From Right-Wing Bigotry” – College Student

College student thinks the first amendment protects her from having to hear Milo.

Bravo, left. You did a good job. You’ve successfully made a generation of abject morons.

21 Comments on “The 1st Amendment Protects People From Right-Wing Bigotry” – College Student

  1. “We may please ourselves with the prospect of free and popular governments. But there is great danger that those governments will not make us happy. God grant they may. But I fear that in every assembly, members will obtain an influence by noise, not sense. By meanness, not greatness. By ignorance, not learning. By contracted hearts, not large souls.” -John Adams

  2. Kind of a shame that you can’t place a name with that semi-black racist bitch who can only spew the progressive’s talking points. Then the video could be tied to her and she’ll spend her post graduate career forever looking for, but never getting hired at a good job. If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

  3. The philosophy of Karl Marx has replaced that of Socrates and the Enlightenment Thinkers on college campuses these days. Not since the Renaissance revealed the true spirit of mankind has man so willingly eschewed reasoning and logic as he has since Leftists took over academia. Indoctrination and Tyranny has replaced Logic and Freedom in academia. Lysenko rears his ugly head anew!

  4. More than one generation I’m afraid. I’m disappointed Trump isn’t abolishing Jimmy the Peanut’s Dept of Indoctrination. Until it’s gone the swamp will always re-fill itself.

  5. Those people are very recent immigrants. The one with the big mouth might be an illegal. I’ll bet money on it.
    The Trump admin filed an appeal last night. To the 9th. I don’t get the logic behind that. They denied even hearing it.

  6. “The 1st Amendment Protects People From Right-Wing Bigotry” – College Student”

    And if the shit gets too thick, the 2nd Amendment protects the people from Left-wing anarchy.

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