The 20-Year-Old Girl Platform – IOTW Report

The 20-Year-Old Girl Platform

They dominate Twitter and drive pop culture, why not design a campaign to appeal to those who already feel entitled to boss the rest of us around, the 20-year-old girl? Watch

14 Comments on The 20-Year-Old Girl Platform

  1. Guess what.

    The guy that took a dump on pelosi’s driveway has been arrested for it.

    There is shit all over the city streets of san francisco, but they arrest the one who took a dump on pelosi’s driveway.

    I saw the vid. It looked like he dumped where the driveway and the sidewalk intersected to me. iow, public property.

    Queen pelosi must be protected from what every other citizen of san fran has to experience, though.

  2. Use Parler, it’s for adults.

    (It’s why they keep our beautiful FLOTUS Melania off the mag covers. 20 yo girls would vote Republican over Melania’s shoe wardrobe alone.)

  3. I remember years ago seeing bumper stickers on cars of young people that said, “Mean People Suck”. What does that even mean? What is a mean person and who decides that? Is mean having more than someone else? Is mean not giving money to a cause that you don’t want to support? Is mean not wanting to live among people who act like animals? Is mean not giving credit to people who have done nothing meaningful? Actually, that’s what the bumper sticker was getting at. Mean people are those who don’t believe the way you think they should believe. I’d like to beat the living crap out of those who taught young people to think this way.

  4. Hambone — The phrase “Mean people suck” just sounds better than “It’s not fair!”. See what they did? They made their own whiny-assed complaint sound like it’s not their problem, it’s yours — you “suck.”


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