The 2016 Election Was STOLEN!!! – IOTW Report

The 2016 Election Was STOLEN!!!

ht/ woody

36 Comments on The 2016 Election Was STOLEN!!!

  1. Go ahead & threaten them, what are you chicken? He likes ratings & exposure. Speedy trial, skip the beginning & middle. Go right to closing arguments. Heck he might be incarcerated sooner. Protective order, gag order. Please please keep it up, go ahead push the envelope.

  2. Donny was warned by the court not to do this. He can’t threaten anyone involved in the court case on Social media. He will be given a Protective order &/or a gag order for already disobeying a judge’s ruling. 1st amendment has nothing to do with a judge’s ruling. But if he wants to threaten a judge or any witnesses or the prosecutor a second time he’ll be in custody, behind bars. Donny’s statement, “You want to come after me, I’ll come after you.” That is a threat. I personally believe Donny just can’t help himself or control himself & will get himself in some serious trouble for threatening & releasing matters strictly forbidden by the court.

  3. Trump made no threat of violence. The DOJ has regularly leaked, and openly released, prejudicial information against Trump and other defendants. Muzzling the defendant while winking and nodding at the prosecution is not blind justice…it is a mockery of justice.

    Democrats mock both justice and democracy. They truly believe that their denial of Trump’s victory in 2016 and their violence, both before and after that election was right and proper. For them, BLM and Occupy Wall Street are what democracy looks like. Elections are not democracy unless Democrats win…and anything that brings about that result is the epitome of democracy. It’s perfectly logical, if you’re a Democrat.

  4. “Note, one of the financial backers for the movie, Sound of Freedom just got busted for child trafficking.
    Told u so!”

    Who gives a FUCK. I hope if he is actually guilty and not set up he’s charged to the fullest. You seem to have a problem raising awareness of predators after our children. Which leads me to believe some father will end you soon. Because there’s only one reason you would take issue with that movie.

  5. I’d take offense, but this is typical Nazi tactics from the left. Again, I think this clown will try and diddle a young child, because there’s no way this pathetic piece of shit could even attract a woman, and be ended by that childs father. I will celebrate. The Nazi Left has lit a fuse they can’t control. Some of them are just starting to realize it.

  6. “Fabin Marta, for child kidnaping.
    Excuse me not for trafficking, yet.”

    You’re missing the point moron. The value of the movie stands on it own. Who cares. Keep your fucking hands off our kids or bad things will happen to you. If a Pedo helped finance this, all the more irony. Does your brain work?

  7. “A financial backer.”

    Wrong. He was one of THOUSANDS of GoFundMe donors.


    He donated $50 bucks through GoFundMe.
    You make him sound like he was the movie’s Producer.

    Butthurt liberals always exaggerate when they have nothing more.


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