The 29-year-old hero from Waffle House shooting: ‘I saw the opportunity and I took it’ – IOTW Report

The 29-year-old hero from Waffle House shooting: ‘I saw the opportunity and I took it’

I like his honesty. He says he’s not a hero, he was just trying to stay alive.


A 29-year-old man credited with saving numerous lives Sunday morning after he disarmed a man who opened fire on an Antioch Waffle House said he was just trying to stay alive.

James Shaw Jr., 29, said after feeling cornered he saw an opportunity to tackle the man shooting into an Antioch Waffle House. He said he doesn’t feel like a hero.

Police spokesman Don Aaron told reporters Sunday morning that the Waffle House hero rushed the suspected shooter, disarmed him and threw the assault rifle he was carrying over the counter.

“I don’t really know, when everyone said that (of being a hero), it feels selfish,” Shaw Jr. “I was just trying to get myself out. I saw the opportunity and pretty much took it.”

Shaw Jr. can’t recall how many shots there were, just that a man was on the floor. Shaw Jr. said a bullet grazed and he jumped toward the bathroom.

“I remember I was like ‘Dang, I’m basically in a barrel,’ ” Shaw Jr. said. “There is no place for me to go.”

As the suspect came through the door, he needed to reload, Shaw Jr. said. That’s when he said he rushed him.

“When he came in, I distinctively remember thinking that he is going to have to work for this kill,” Shaw Jr. said. “I had a chance to stop him and thankfully I stopped him.”


Police are still looking for the mentally ill shooter. 

Travis Reinking.

25 Comments on The 29-year-old hero from Waffle House shooting: ‘I saw the opportunity and I took it’

  1. Better yet why do all these inbred looking white shooters resemble each other so closely? They all look like they’re half alien. I’m going with a CIA breeding program for gun control

  2. Bravo, Mr. Shaw!

    It seems that most heroes don’t think of themselves as heroes. In a roundabout way, that makes you a hero whether or not you agree!

    Setting aside the word play, you placed yourself in greater danger to stop a madman murder from killing you or anybody else. Well done.

  3. I agree with Uncle Al — most heroes do not think of themselves as heroes.

    But he needs a talking to. Imagine, he just did not cower in a corner someplace as we are all told to do. But then again, we had always been told to meekly comply with airline hijackers, too. Look where that got us. I can’t help but think that if people actually started fighting back much of this crap would stop.

  4. If they can call Camera Hogg a hero, guess this guy is well over him.
    The gunman’s elevator doesn’t go to the top floor?
    Sounds like they had his number, never called it.
    What good does the Form 4473 crazy box do if they never report them?

  5. This is why Robin and I only take little Logyn to Ruth’s Chris, Cheesecake Factory and The Soy Hut. No gun racks or pickup trucks in the parking lots. We feel so much safer.

  6. There they go again with the assault rifle or assault-type rifle description. Would they call it same thing if the weapon was painted pink?
    And nude under his coat. What’s up with that? Was the shooter trying to avoid being caught with victim dna on his clothing?

  7. The etymology of the word – hero – from Proto-Indo-European *ser- (“to watch over, protect”). Related to Latin servo (“protect”). A hero is a protector, and what James Shaw Jr. did fits the original meaning.

  8. … jr……shaw jr…….shaw jr… was hard to read this story….listen up, his surname is SHAW…..just SHAW…..and his kid’s last name is NOT shaw III, either….

    ….dang, i’s gettin so ole…..these little stupie things really peace me off, these days…..

  9. Good instincts. This is actually the wisest thing to do if you’re cornered and unarmed facing a mass shooter, because, obviously, the motherfucker doesn’t care about your life, and he probably gets off on killing a person begging for their life. Get aggressive, even if you may get killed doing so, because one strong person or two or more average people going up against a shooter from different directions, even unarmed, stand a really good chance of bringing the fucker down.

    Better to die on your feet than on your knees, especially when going out that way actually improves your chances of survival.

  10. What’s with the police saying it was an “assault rifle”? Was that because it was used in an assault? If our hero had shot the perp who was holding the “assault rifle” with a handgun, we he have used a “hero gun”?


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