The 3 Muskaterrorists – IOTW Report

The 3 Muskaterrorists

Did you know these three, Ramzi Yousef (the first WTC bomber), Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), and Timothy McVeigh (the Oklahoma City bomber) were buddies in jail?

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Did you know that the Unabomber is enjoying jail?

He says it suits his lifestyle just fine, not dissimilar to the way he lived prior to being caught, only now his meals are taken care of.


Locked in their tiny cells 23 hours a day, the three at one point shared the same recreation time. Outdoors, the environment was bleak: an all-concrete yard so deeply recessed that some former prisoners have likened it to standing in an empty swimming pool. But inmates were escorted to individual wire-mesh cages — about 12 by 18 feet, Kaczynski estimated — where they could speak to each other under the watch of guards.

Known as the “Alcatraz of the Rockies,” ADX is considered to be America’s toughest prison, where the nation’s most dangerous criminals are locked away and meant to be forgotten. But for Kaczynski, who had lived as a hermit for more than 20 years in his remote cabin in the backwoods of Montana, prison was, in many ways, a social awakening. For the first time he had regular, daily contact with other people, even though it was largely with prisoners who had committed equally horrible crimes.

In July 2009, Kaczynski responded to a letter asking him about prison life. “I’m an atypical prisoner in an atypical prison,” he wrote. “Prison life is probably boring and monotonous for most prisoners in a maximum-security prison like this one, but it is not so far for me because I have too much, rather than too little to keep me occupied.”

11 Comments on The 3 Muskaterrorists

  1. McVeigh had the right background to fit the narrative. White, ex-military fit the leftist profile of a right wing terrorist almost perfectly. Coming shortly after Waco, it was easy for the leftists to blame OKC on right wing terrorism when actually McVeigh and Nichols had muslim connections that were never explained to my satisfaction. Not much difference between the Reno DOJ and the Holder DOJ.

  2. My point is McVeigh got the death penalty because he fit the profile of a right wing terrorist and was convicted as such even though there is a distinct possibility that isn’t what he was. I’m sure the leftists look on Kacznski as a Bill Ayers with a bad lawyer.

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