The 4 Congressmen Under Pressure To Resign For Sexual Harassment – IOTW Report

The 4 Congressmen Under Pressure To Resign For Sexual Harassment

Rep. John “icon” Conyers (D-MI)

Rep. Ruben “thigh toucher” Kihuen (D-NV) 


Rep. Blake “lewd comments” Farenthold (R-TX)

Sen. Al ‘I Hug People’ Franken (D-MN)


Read the accusations

8 Comments on The 4 Congressmen Under Pressure To Resign For Sexual Harassment

  1. I just received Matt Laure’s “button” from Ebay overnight and I must say, the thing looks like it was never used. It leads me to believe that most of these women locked the door themselves after they got in.
    Anybody need a button?

  2. You people wouldn’t believe the uber-crass utterings of the late Congressman Jack Brooks of the old 9th Congressional District in Texas. The sorry SOB/POS was a rabid racist and womanizer/sexual harasser. My ex-wife was a target of that bastard, but she put him in his place like a boss.

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