The Absolute State of Ontario – IOTW Report

The Absolute State of Ontario

*Some Salty Language

There are four things I know in this life to be true: God exists; Europeans are being replaced in their homelands; Western schools are communist indoctrination camps; And Ontario is a shithole province. In the wake of Patrick Brown’s ‘sex scandal,’ I consider the real sexual deviant: Our Premier Kathleen Wynne. Wake up, Ontario: We’re broke, unemployed, without a reasonable prospect of ever owning our own homes… Taking orders from Orville Redenbacher’s lesbian twin, who takes orders from a child pornographer — all of whom now have the legal authority to teach our children their diabolical values & if we dare to teach them otherwise, we might never see our offspring again. And, hey, she might just get re-elected AGAIN come June! BUT IF A SINGLE ADULT MALE DARES TO HAVE SEX WITH A DRUNK ADULT SINGLE FEMALE… SHUT!!! IT!!! DOWN!!!

6 Comments on The Absolute State of Ontario

  1. as the name suggests the PC’s are not conservatives they are progressives which is a nice name for socialists.

    if the Pc lost to wynne it would be because of Brown. the party (which is not conservative) is better off for the departure of Brown.

    since Mike Harris the PC have been one colossal disappointment after another.

    you have 3 parties trying to out liberal each other.

  2. Like pre-muslim Sweden, Canada was somewhat of a utopia. Strict immigration laws, clean environment, low crime rates, and happy & friendly people. Having visited the land of Canucks many times years ago, it was always a pleasant change of scenery from the depressing ugliness in Detroit where I lived at the time. Toronto had the cleanest streets and subway system I ever saw anywhere. Soylant Green is no longer a far fetched fictional film………

  3. For Ontario imagine a combination of Illinois, California, and East Germany. Toronto is our Chicago. The government union and majority immigrant population liberal voters there overwhelm and drag down the rest of the province. Our economy is Californian. Our laws are East German in intent and control of the population. Premier Wynne is Hillary and her party are the Dems, but even crazier. Patrick Brown is no President Trump, he is our Bill. The Progressive Cons are to the left of the eGOP, and just as stupid and easily played by the political opposition.

    It’s getting Minor Prophet biblical here with the never-ending looting and destruction of the working poor and moderately well off, plus the assault on Christian morality, decency, and common sense. Ontario, and Canada in general, is suffocating under a blanket of evil. I suspect in the coming Wrath the loudest wailers and gnashers of teeth will be the so-called Christians who continue to vote for this insanity.

    On the plus side, with the natural barriers of the St Lawrence river and the Great Lakes, the Ontario wall won’t cost as much as your southern border wall.

  4. I hope Canada has it’s version of a Trump come along and rattle her to the core. These insidious scum on the left pervert everything they touch.
    If they don’t turn around soon, next stop is a violent uprising.

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