The absurdity of leftism- King County Executive to phase out youth detention, King County Jail – IOTW Report

The absurdity of leftism- King County Executive to phase out youth detention, King County Jail


“Phasing out centralized youth detention is no longer a goal in the far distance,” Constantine tweeted. “We have made extraordinary progress and we have evolved to believe that even more can be done.”

Constantine is also expected to propose a phased closing of the adult King County Jail in Seattle in favor of “diversion, prevention, rehabilitation, and harm reduction programs,” according to a memo from the director of the Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention.

“For DAJD, this means a new vision for our adult and youth detention facilities in Seattle,” the memo reads.

The executive is expected to make a full announcement in his upcoming State of the County address, the date of which is yet to be determined.


ht/ illustr8r

14 Comments on The absurdity of leftism- King County Executive to phase out youth detention, King County Jail

  1. My condolences to those living in the Seattle and Portland areas.
    And I live in West L.A.

    Oh, and Minneapolis. And Chicago. NYC.

    Actually County Board is slashing L.A. Sheriff’s budget. He is pissed. We will be like them soon.

  2. Utopian assholes. They think they can counsel people out of creating problems in society. Human nature is flawed and will not be changed by wishing it so. The criminal element will flourish until the only workable situation is vigilante justice.

  3. Yup, I never met anyone in my youth who deserved to be put in detention. We were all little angels and never did anything wrong.

    I would love the elected officials to swear on a Bible that they, or anybody they knew, never did anything wrong. Nevermind, they don’t believe in religion.

  4. Dow Constantine, King County Executive, was going to run for Governor until Gov. Dim Bulb announced we wanted a third term. Frankly, I don’t know which one would be worse.

    (But he’s another politician who’s never really worked although he’d argue the point having started a law firm in the 90’s.)

  5. ” … we’re gonna have playgrounds w/ jungle gyms & swing sets & merry-go-rounds. we’re gonna have jump ropes & tether ball & trampolines … oh, & did I mention the crafts? … popsicle stick pot holders & clay pots … lots of gymp rope lanyard-making … then we’re going to have a lot of ‘team-building’ exercises, trust falls & rock-wall climbing … we’ll have plenty of ‘classroom’ time to learn the basic tenants of good & proper workers who happily obey & at night we’ll sit around the campfire & sing those great worker’s songs like ‘If I Had A Hammer’, ‘This Land Is Your Land’ & ‘L’Internationale’ … later on we’ll play ‘hide the salami’ w/ the camp counselors”

    …. oh, it will be so much fun!

    be sure to pick up your glossy 4-color brochures after the presentation … & remember … it’s taxpayer-funded … so there’s no cost to you!

  6. Occam’s razor supplies the answer.

    The motivation for this is that adherents of the progressive movement are compelled do everything in their power to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    If you consider this as prime motivator and consider what is more likely to result from leftist policies and practices than what they offer as their motivation… you do the math.

    The likelihood of any other outcome shrinks to insignificance when compared side by side.

  7. The King County council is trying to strip the sheriff of the historic autonomy of the sheriff by making the office one that they appoint rather than an elected office accountable directly to the voters. The whole purpose of it being an elected office is to act as a firewall from being politically controlled.

  8. I swear, the President need to seriously consider starting to build walls around the liberal cesspools of the nation – Seattle, Portland, New York, etc.

    Leave them to their own devices. The United States can reclaim the territory when they have all killed themselves off through violence and/or disease.

  9. The deranged left in control are working overtime to dismantle an orderly society. The big question is how can this be reversed? They seem to have at least the tacit approval of the citizens in the area and normal forms of redress are not going to be adequate to correct this.
    Marshall Law for starters but who implements it?

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