The Administrative State, The Fourth Branch Of Government – IOTW Report

The Administrative State, The Fourth Branch Of Government

Sure, you can blame congress for the state of gridlock in Washington today. You can even find fault with the executive branch for the intrusive, wasteful and inefficient operation of various government agencies or the judicial branch for blocking attempts at reform.

But what if I told you the real problem is the bureaucratic state that ultimately answers to no one but the elites who rotate through on a regular basis from the corporate industrial complex? An organized state that looks out for its own interest first while imposing its will on the nation through the regulatory environment congress created and the executive branch can’t control. Would you believe me?

Perhaps you’d believe professor John Marini from Claremont Institute, whose  description of the “Administrative State” at Hillsdale College last month aired on BookTV last weekend (they finish introductions at the about the 2:30 mark). Watch

Articles by Marini Here


10 Comments on The Administrative State, The Fourth Branch Of Government

  1. A revised adaptation: “A criminally organized state looks out for its own interest at all times.”

    “The New York Times has separate editions for Latin America, and in their Mexican edition, they clearly printed that El Chapo sent Hillary $15 million USD, laundered through a bank account Hillary had in the Cayman Islands, and then she laundered it into the Clinton Foundation.”
    [Temporary posing at ]

    Photograph of Hillary Clinton posing with :
    Jorge Cabrera, a drug smuggler who has emerged as one of the most notorious supporters of President Clinton’s re-election campaign, was asked for a campaign contribution . . . .

    In early January 1996, three weeks after having attended the Christmas reception at the White House, Cabrera was arrested and charged with importing 6,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States on boats . . . .


  2. Marini will tell you the Administrative state pre-dates Nixon, who was done in by its members. Reagan tried to do what he could with it and now it’s trying its hardest to rid itself of the current president.

    Left Coast Dan is right skim that first article on Marini’s list for more detail. I’ve got his book in my Amazon cart for my next read.

  3. It really started in earnest with Woodrow Wilson. Has anybody got a chart of how much the federal government has grown, in terms of the number of cabinet positions and federal agencies? It seems I saw one many years ago (pre-Obama), so I can only imagine it’s way worse today.

  4. But, but, but… unelected, unsupervised, unknowable rulers… issuing secret, special, and ignorable rules, is the very definition of a republic! It’s right there in the dictionary. Just like it’s in the constitution.

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