The Age of Emotional Incontinence – IOTW Report

The Age of Emotional Incontinence

Why is society normalizing mental illness?

13 Comments on The Age of Emotional Incontinence

  1. Lowering standards in the schools, eliminating competition and giving everyone a Participation Trophy goes a long way to establishing the victim mindset where crying, stamping yer feet and throwing a tantrum gets rewarded with a “There-there, a pat on the back and a cookie!

  2. I watched this video and was so triggered that I will have trouble dealing with the rest of my day. Excuse me – I need to emote now.

    “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”

    “It is not enough that I succeed; all others must fail.”

    There, I feel better now.

  3. Defining deviancy down…. define it so damn low, that nothing and no one is deviant anymore.
    If nobody is mentally ill anymore, so who needs mental asylums ??

    Haven’t they already emptied the asylums and these people are walking the streets ??

  4. It’s not just emotional incontinence. Everywhere I look on the news, TV shows, sporting events, etc., massive amounts of people are maniacally NUTS: off their rockers with over-reactions to almost everything.

  5. Abundance of affluence and a dominant Secular worldview. Deliberate refusal to correct the path one is on. Hardening of the conscience through repeated denial of truth. Misorientation giving way to complete Disorientation leaving people incapable of Reason and the ability to acknowledge basic facts of the realities they encounter each day.

  6. To quote my Daddy (God rest his soul): “In good times, chickenshit matters!”
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. About 30 states and the District of Columbia have laws in their constitutions that limit people with mental disabilities from voting. So, wouldn’t these states (plus DC) have more votes cast favoring one Party over the other, most (or all) of the time?

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