The Alfa Bank Hoax Is Looking A Lot Like Crossfire Hurricane – IOTW Report

The Alfa Bank Hoax Is Looking A Lot Like Crossfire Hurricane

If cybersecurity experts could trigger an investigation into Trump for political reasons, they can prompt an investigation of anyone, for any reason.

Margot Cleveland

A lawyer for former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann revealed last week that federal agents never asked Sussmann the origin of the data he provided the FBI related to the Alfa Bank hoax. Beyond highlighting the hackery of the Crossfire Hurricane team, this revelation raises broader concerns about the cozy relationship between the government and private cybersecurity experts.

On Thursday, Sussmann’s Latham and Watkins attorney Michael Bosworth pushed for the dismissal of the special counsel’s criminal case. That case charged Sussmann with lying to former FBI General Counsel James Baker when he provided Baker “white papers” and data ostensibly showing a secret communications channel between the Trump organization and the Russia-connected Alfa Bank. According to the indictment, Sussmann falsely claimed during his meeting with Baker that he was not acting on behalf of a client, when in fact he was working for both the Clinton campaign and tech executive Rodney Joffe. more here

8 Comments on The Alfa Bank Hoax Is Looking A Lot Like Crossfire Hurricane

  1. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton cannot be bothered with these legal issues. When they become raging problems, you will hear from her law firms. Dementia Joe will probably pardon her, and Humper and his brother, Jim, during his last days in office.

  2. Considering that the FBI was up to their eyeballs in this, Crossfire Hurricane already knew what Sussman was peddling to them and probably were just waiting for him to speak with Baker, calling it corroboration of what they “knew”.

  3. @Marco: ” Dementia Joe will probably pardon her, and Humper and his brother, Jim, during his last days in office.”

    These are his last days in office. The question is how many will there be?

  4. Really inspires confidence in the revamped cyber security bureaucracy the Obiden admin just announced.
    Confidence in them spying on anyone who posts something that makes them cry.

  5. Now we know why Hillary wants us to think Joe is doing such a great job. He needs to be around after the indictment in ’23 or ’24. Then the PARDON before Trump wins a 2nd term.

  6. I think that Dementia Joe will pardon the whole Biden Family just before he retires to the Wilmington Hideout due to exhaustion, having given all for his country. Then the Veep Throat will pardon Poor Joey, just like President Ford pardoned Former President Nixon, for the good of the country, knowing she hasn’t got a chance of running and getting elected.


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