The America Report: Three Cheers for Conservatism – IOTW Report

The America Report: Three Cheers for Conservatism

European Conservative

The U.S. Supreme Court has a habit of issuing plenty of opinions in June, right before the justices go on vacation. This year is no different in that regard. What is different, though, is the concentration of socially conservative cases where conservatives won.

Or, in the eyes of the livid Left: a significant setback for their efforts to turn America into a socialist wasteland.

After last year’s landmark ruling where the Supreme Court ended the federal government’s protection of abortion, many conservatives felt a sense of hope. After decades of seemingly unending political and legal victories for left-wing radicals, the Court’s decision to return the abortion issue to the states was a light-in-the-tunnel experience.

This week, the Supreme Court lit many more candles for conservatives. They did so not by crusading for conservatism, but simply by applying the U.S. Constitution to the cases that citizens had appealed to them. 

Three cases stand out from the crowd of Supreme Court rulings: one on so-called affirmative action, one on the freedom of speech, and one on whether or not the government can forgive student loans at will. 

Content of character, not color of skin

Perhaps the most pivotal decision by the court came in the case over affirmative action in college admissions. This is the practice where college admissions departments look at a student’s race (and other identity-related criteria) to decide whether he or she is accepted or rejected. Formally, affirmative action prioritizes students of allegedly underprivileged ethnicities; as it is being practiced, it gives preferential treatment primarily to black students and those of Native American descent. more here

7 Comments on The America Report: Three Cheers for Conservatism

  1. The problem with conservatism is that it is only practiced by the voter and a handful of politicians. Too many hide behind it while at the same time they work to dilute it.

  2. Consistent with me being a “Glass half full” guy, I am thrilled that SCOTUS ruled consistent with the Constitution (many times they don’t), but half is still half. We still have our kids indoctrinated and turned into America haters in our schools, a southern border invasion, a concerted effort by the other side to weaken both the First and Second Amendments, a two-tiered justice system, an unsecured election apparatus, and too many elected officials that have lost sight of their duties and obligations. Without the Executive and Legislative Branches, all SCOTUS can do is duct-tape the problems.

  3. @ Different Tim AT 1:11 PM

    That is what has them in a wild eyed panic about Donald Trump. They were able to infiltrate Republican establishment plants into the TEA Party and destroy momentum from within. There was no clear recognized leader who was capable. They fully comprehend that this time it’s different. Trust me on this, the Democrats and Republican establishment have already opened a dialogue on assassinating Donald Trump.


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