The American Flag is Offensive – County Agrees – IOTW Report

The American Flag is Offensive – County Agrees

A makeshift 9/11 memorial that’s been up for more than 16 years was removed from the Preston-Fall City Road.

As they were taking it down, a King County road crew left a note saying that someone called to complain that the American flag was offensive.

“A number of people are flat out outraged that the American flag can be considered offensive,” said the man behind an effort to replace the memorial. “This one small act that they did was actually a very large act.”

Facebook page dedicated to the makeshift memorial was set up.

Some irritated neighbors have started putting flags back up in place of the missing memorial, but they worry the county might come back and take them down.

They’re reaching out to County Councilmember Kathy Lambert, who has promised to schedule a community meeting to figure out if they can come to a compromise.

But, as of Tuesday, no date has been set for that meeting.

This is the statement from Lambert’s office:

There is nothing scheduled yet, but Councilmember Lambert is in discussions with various county divisions about it. If we end up moving forward on it, it won’t be until the last couple weeks of August.

ht/ illustr8r

21 Comments on The American Flag is Offensive – County Agrees

  1. What if it was an American flag with Obama’s picture where the stars should be like the liberals had awhile back in FL flying under a real flag? Disgruntled liberals – they need to be shutdown and told where to go.

  2. I drive thru Preston on my way to I-90.
    The speed limit thru the teeny town is 25 mph.
    The memorial is not a roadside distraction (one of the flimsy reasons they are using to “work” with the town to restore the display). We’ll see how that sorts out. People already have covered the wall back up with banners and flags. Good for them.

    I hope the “offended by the flag” passive aggressive loopy leftist loon is happy. Ticked off a bunkered patriotic community in the heart of Libtardland. Go figure.

  3. National Pride and Patriotism runs contrary to Global Governance and UN mandates, not to mention that’s the same stars and stripes that flew over this predominately white, Christian, privileged, racist country when slavery existed.

    Maybe we can borrow the French White flag or jihadist’s Black flag…..I’m sure it would be accepted by the media.

  4. @Illustr8r August 2, 2017 at 9:24 pm

    > Ticked off a bunkered patriotic community in the heart of Libtardland.

    Really? They’re demanding the dismissal, with cause (cancellation of all pension obligations), of the entire chain of command, top to bottom, that did the government funded work? They’ve “secured” the release of (doxed) the employee information, before they’ll agree to a meeting with the pols trying to save their own jobs? Or is “[t]icked off” “patriotic community” “Libtardland” speak for “Trigglypuffed the Trumpkins”?

  5. It is going back up, the county has backed down. People were pissed.
    Preston is in the foothills of the Cascade’s , 20 miles from Seattle, still lots of libtards moving out there, screwing up the county.
    Lots of guns and Trump people out there.
    All is not lost here in Washington.

  6. @anon

    One person complained about the display that has been there peacefully for 16 years. There are potholes everywhere, the brush needs to be mowed along the side of the road yet the county had time to remove the display. There will be meetings, it’ll get sorted out, something that existed just fine without government invention for 16 years. I actually think it was a Russian who complained. Oh wait. That story doesn’t make sense. Whatever @anon-your stranglehold on this state is secure. Have an iced latte and chill.

  7. To the bitchy Libtard complainer,
    Here’s $5 and a pair of size 10s at the end of my feet, to help you move on down the road to somewhere…..anywhere….else.
    So FOAD.

  8. “someone called to complain that the American flag was offensive.”

    they should save their money and move to another country who’s flag does not offend them then.

    of course we have a public education system teaching America hating to our youth but I don’t get offended enough to have those teachers removed.

    I really should.

  9. To the latest offended one (and the next one too):
    WGAS? Pace the floor in your mom’s basement and try to keep yourself from soiling your pants.

    The flag flies for those who built, defended and run this country.
    If you can’t respect that, your opinion is childish and stupid.

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