The amount of voter fraud displayed here is stunning – how is this election standing?????? – IOTW Report

The amount of voter fraud displayed here is stunning – how is this election standing??????

See all the videos here.

When I hear people say, “there was no voter fraud,” I want to kick them until they are dead.

15 Comments on The amount of voter fraud displayed here is stunning – how is this election standing??????

  1. This needs to be verified. Then it can be certified. Then it can be ignored by half the country. They are going to be in denial right up until President Donald J. Trump leaves office in 2024.

  2. “I want to kick them until they are dead.”

    That’s cruel and unusual punishment.

    A more humane method is to blow their heads clean off.

    (It’s messy though, any way you blow it.)

  3. Fur — What we are seeing from Big Media and Big Tech (two silos of Big, Global, One World Order) didn’t make it onto Alinsky’s “Rules” — The Big Lie. It’s the Big Lie told over and over and over again, looking for a toehold and believed by the same people who still swear that Palin said she could see Russia from her porch or that POTUS Trump said he could/would shoot someone on a NY street.

    While overall I was encouraged by yesterday’s hearing in PA, I was disgusted at hearing a room full of their lawmakers and citizens “gasp and laugh” at the some of the revelations of fraud. What in the world? These people SHOULD be the most in-the-know about the incidents of fraud that took place and still are taking place in their own state!

    My favorite word for times such as this is, “nonetheless”. It cuts through all the bully, bluster, BS, and sophistry. Say it aloud and see what I mean. 🙂

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all at iOTW – to BFH and your crew, and all those who reside here from time to time. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day with family and friends, and especially violating any would-be kings who decree otherwise.

    Now, with that said, I found a very interesting analysis of Sidney Powell’s Georgia lawsuit filing. Of course the attorney is anonymous, so that has to be kept in mind, but it offers the pros and pitfalls of her filing. The bottom line in this lawyer’s analysis is that Trump’s team has to be able to quantify the number of fraudulent votes due to the DVS and illegal actions of GA election workers and officials.

  5. The election doesn’t need to stand, not in the sense of the popular voting electing the President since it doesn’t, there is a Constitutional process that involves the Electoral College electing the President or, if that fails for some reason, Congress appointing him.

    That process has not completed itself yet.

  6. Unusual circumstances require unusual actions – stolen elections can not ne allowed to stand otherwise we become Venezuela.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all and may God Bless Donald J, Trump and his family.

  7. @stirrin — Does that lawyer underscore that the threshold is a “preponderance of the evidence”?

    Powell went over this in the main presser this week.

    “A standard of proof that must be met by a plaintiff if he or she is to win a civil action. In a civil case, the plaintiff has the burden of proving the facts and claims asserted in the complaint. If the respondent, or defendant, files a counterclaim, the respondent will have the burden of proving that claim.”

  8. Get over it, all ye losin’ souls. Biden will be president as from January 21, and Trump will be out. Better kick your own heads (if you can manage), might just get you a little wiser.

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