The Anti-Science Teachings of Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

The Anti-Science Teachings of Planned Parenthood

Daily Caller –

Old and busted way to teach kids about sex according to Planned Parenthood:

  • Women have breasts. Men don’t.
  • Boys have penises and girls have vulvas. I’m a woman — a girl who is all grown up — so I have a vulva instead of a penis. And you’re a boy, so you have a penis instead of a vulva.

The new Planned Parenthood teachings:

  • Those are nipples. Everybody has nipples.
  • Boy, girl, man, and woman are words that describe gender identity, and some people with the gender identities “boy” or “man” have vulvas, and some with the gender identity “girl” or “woman” have penises/testicles.
  • Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.
  • It doesn’t matter too much what parts someone has.

“Too much”?

Maybe a little?

Does Planned Parenthood get many “transgender women” coming in for an abortion? No.

Well, there goes their theories.

Tell you what. We won’t defund all of Planned Parenthood. We’ll compromise. We’ll fund abortions for transgender women and defund abortions for women born female.

h/t flip a coin



5 Comments on The Anti-Science Teachings of Planned Parenthood

  1. Where’s a transgender that makes a career living other than self replicating?

    Yeah, who needs vulva or nuts? They are insignificant. Except when you talk about vulva and nuts in order to self replicate a ridiculous mental illness.

    Over and over. Maybe a different outcome will take place.

    No, that’s insanity. But it’s not! Hold the fucking boat! If it’s insanity then nuts and vulva are significant. That can’t happen.

  2. Ever wonder if stuff like this isn’t all part of a plot by the Communist Left to corrupt and confuse the next generation? It’s is right up there with Common Core which was devised by an extreme radical Left-wing, pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, America-Hating, bomb-throwing, self-professed Communist by the name of Bill Ayers. All this is the most insidious time-bomb of all, enabling the radical Left Wing-Nuts to go after our children with a program of propaganda and disinformation, disguised as “The new way of thinking” knowing full well the long-term effects of their sick, twisted pretzel-logic will cripple the thinking capabilities of the next generation and the real topper is it had the full backing and approval of Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, lawless, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic, Gay-obsessed Marxist Muzlim Mallard!

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