The Arc of Trump Derangement Syndrome in 3 Minutes – IOTW Report

The Arc of Trump Derangement Syndrome in 3 Minutes

13 Comments on The Arc of Trump Derangement Syndrome in 3 Minutes

  1. “If you don’t have anything good to say about someone, don’t say anything at all.” (My and probably your father.)

    I have nothing good to say about the people in that video.

    But now, that’s not enough. I want them gone and am not afraid to say it.

  2. Donald Trump, George Bush and Joe Biden were set to face a firing squad in a small central American country. Donald Trump was the first one placed against the wall and just before the order was given he yelled out “Earthquake”. The firing squad fell into a panic and Donald Trump jumped over the wall and escaped during the confusion.

    George Bush was the second one placed against the wall. The squad was reassembled and George pondered what he had just witnessed. Again before the order was given George yelled out “Tornado”. Again the squad fell apart and George slipped over the wall.

    The last person Joe Biden was placed against the wall. He was thinking, I see the pattern here, just scream out something about a disaster and hop over the wall. He confidently refused the blindfold as the firing squad was reassembled. As the rifles were raised in his direction, he grinned from ear to ear and yelled…………..”Fire”.

  3. OK, OK, yep, yep, OK. OK, if any of the people in that video dropped dead right now, would I give a fuck?

    Yep. I’m checking right now. I’m looking through my drawers. My pockets, I’m looking through. My heart and soul, I’m searching.

    Wow. OK, yep, OK, this is weird. It’s actually mixed. Very weird.

    Yep, here we go. OK. If everyone In that video dropped dead, I give zero fucks for them, their families, and their friends. Yep, zero fucks.

    However, if everyone in that video dropped dead, I would be very, very happy. Why, you might ask, would I be happy if everyone in that video dropped dead. Well, I can tell you, and I will tell you. I would be happy because there would be a lot less liars on the earth. That’s why. All of those people can die and I give zero fucks, but I’d be happy if the fucking liars were dead.

    OK, well, thanks. Remember to vote on Tuesday November 3. If you’re one of those lying fucks, remember to vote November 4.

  4. Four more years of Trump keeps them all operating under the status quo. The thought that somehow a win is going to teach the media a lesson is, I’m sorry, laughable. Russia, Russia, Russia is not dead in the minds of far too many in this country. Newer “scandals” will be created. Remember that the public’s attention will need to be turned away from the Biden, Clinton and Obama crime families and the continuing efforts of the swamp. The swamp will bankroll the corrupt media to the degree needed to suit their purposes.

    A Trump loss will make the media even more powerful because the swamp’s efforts will be directed towards putting the entire Trump family in prison. The court of public opinion will be a huge part of it with the media ginning it all up and don’t forget the show trials.


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