“The Arctic is on Fire” – Bernie Sanders – IOTW Report

“The Arctic is on Fire” – Bernie Sanders


Sen. Bernie Sanders (D.-Vt.) says on the website for his presidential campaign that “[c]limate change is a global emergency” and “the Arctic is on fire.”

By contrast, the National Weather Service is reporting today that it is 45 degrees below zero in Nuiqsuit, which is in northern Alaska.

The weather service is predicting that the high today in that part of Alaska will be 44 degrees below zero and the low will be 47 degrees below zero.

“Climate change is a global emergency. The Amazon rainforest is burning, Greenland’s ice shelf is melting, and the Arctic is on fire,” Sanders says on his website.

26 Comments on “The Arctic is on Fire” – Bernie Sanders

  1. These are the same idiots that tell you up front that they’re going to raise your taxes, give benefits to people that don’t belong here, that their policies will cause job loses and cause companies to go out of business and they don’t know what their pie in the sky plans will cost but people drool over them and vote for them anyway. A lot of stupid people out there.

  2. Snow catches on fire at temperatures above 65 degrees. Every iceberg is a potential nuclear weapon capable of exploding with the force of 200 Hiroshima blasts.

    May God have mercy on our chilly souls.

  3. democRAT politics 101:
    The stupid voter believes anything.
    The stupid voter doesn’t remember anything.
    150 years ago it wuz called Snake Oil.
    Not much has changed, but since today’s version has a few more ingredients, so now they can call it “New and Improved”

  4. No good TRF. Once it snows…..all those tiny flakes become flaming swords of natures fury.

    The only escape is to hand over all your money and brains to Bernie. Only a 97 year old jewish guy who’s never worked a day in his life can save us.

  5. “Climate change is a global emergency. The Amazon rainforest is burning, Greenland’s ice shelf is melting, and the Arctic is on fire,” Sanders says on his website.
    And his lying commie mouth in his lying commie head
    are so far up his ass that the excavation team from
    the Great Pyramid couldn’t find it.

  6. When the Solar Minimum really cranks up and the winters get longer and longer, and the hue and cry goes up for cheap heating fuel: Trump’s energy policies will see us in good stead.

  7. He needs to make this argument in China or India. they’re the real polluters. Go Bernie, go to China and get right in their faces and scream at them. But come right home, we need you as the dem nominee for 2020.

  8. Cold weather almost always puts out fires, Bernie you’re a moron. Prove it, I triple dog dare you to prove it, but I guess facts don’t matter to socialists who are constantly trying to scare us into believing their bullshit. Go and stick your tongue on a frozen flag pole and have the Fire Dept. have to come to rescue your stupid ass if they’re not laughing too hard and will show up in the Spring when the flag pole finally thaws out.


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