The Arizona Fall League Has Ended – So, How Did Tim Tebow Do? – IOTW Report

The Arizona Fall League Has Ended – So, How Did Tim Tebow Do?

The Mets took a shot with Tebow. Did the gamble pay off?

Well, he’s still an improbable underdog. At 29 it would have been very difficult to hone MLB skills in a year. The fact is, he hasn’t honed minor league skills yet, batting .194 in the AFL.

I’m still rooting for Tebow, but at this point General Manager Sandy Alderson hasn’t invited Tebow to the Mets camp for spring training.

Tebow’s full line-


19 games and 62 at-bats, he hit .194/.296/.242 with 12 hits, three doubles, six runs scored, eight walks, and 20 strikeouts. He wasn’t the worst in the AFL, but he was pretty close.

Scouts were harsh –

“Awful.” “Stinks.” “Ugly.”

14 Comments on The Arizona Fall League Has Ended – So, How Did Tim Tebow Do?

  1. I feel bad for Tebow, he should’ve been allowed to stay in the NFL in the first place. This is just gross persecution because of how outwardly christian he is. The incredibly liberal NFL hated that so they singled him out and ruined his career, even though there are many other places who were/are worse then he is.

  2. Tebow, a pariah to the leftists, will land on his feet
    No matter how his sports career ends up. And all of the people who fucked him all the way will end up on the losing side.

    Just watch. I’m no leftist and don’t believe in much of
    Their psychological mumbo jumbo but karma called and
    Karma is about to drop in for a visit. Done from an iPhone so punctuation and capitalization sux. Sorry.

  3. the NFL hated Tebow like they hate Brady & Belichek
    …. but promote ass-clowns like Kapernik
    & Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner, is butt-buddies w/ Barky

    don’t watch anymore …. ’nuff said

  4. What’s not to root for?

    I’m hoping with a little off-time reflection he can pull it all together and be solid enough to make the roster at the Mets.
    It’s a long shot, but he’d be popular and bring some excitement- especially if he got a few clutch hits.

  5. The Arizona Fall League represents some of the best players in the minor leagues…not an easy way to “start”. If he starts the 2017 season in AA ball, his numbers should improve, but the question will be…by how much?

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