The Art of the Persuasion – POTUS threatens to stop illegal transfer of hundreds of BILLIONS in dividends from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to health insurers – IOTW Report

The Art of the Persuasion – POTUS threatens to stop illegal transfer of hundreds of BILLIONS in dividends from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to health insurers

President Donald J. Trump  threatened to stop the illegal transfer of hundreds of BILLIONS in dividends from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to health insurers, an illegal scheme begun by lawless Marxist, B. Hussein Obama in 2012. – C. Steven Tucker


U.S. President Donald Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that he might consider withholding billions of dollars of Obamacare payments to health insurers to force Democrats back to the negotiating table on healthcare.

Insurers and major medical groups have warned that not funding the payments, called cost-sharing reduction subsidies, which help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses for low-income Americans, could wreak havoc in the individual insurance markets. Trump told The Wall Street Journal that by withholding the payments, Democrats will call him to negotiate.

Major medical and insurance groups penned a letter to Trump on Wednesday urging him to maintain funding for the subsidies, which amount to about $7 billion a year and are paid directly to insurers. They help cover premiums, deductibles and other medical expenses for about 7 million people who purchase health insurance on the individual health insurance market.

House of Representatives Republicans sued the Obama administration for funding the subsidies, which they argue have to be appropriated by Congress. A federal judge in May 2016 ruled in favor of the Republicans, prompting an appeal by the Obama administration. The case is pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.


15 Comments on The Art of the Persuasion – POTUS threatens to stop illegal transfer of hundreds of BILLIONS in dividends from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to health insurers

  1. The Government pays the insurer $1000 per individual/per year under Obamacare? ($7 BILLION) After the Insurance Company has raised their rates and deductibles in some cases 100%.
    And these payments are illegal because Congress didn’t appropriate the money?
    And there is only a “threat” about not paying them?
    Do it !

  2. MJA, Exactly, we’ve (the wife and I) have been pretty insulated from the entire Obamacare disaster. But I keep running into people that have been effected by it. Our broker stopped by yesterday and he is paying $4,200.00 per month for a family of three for insurance he say he can’t even afford to use because the deductible is so high. The impact on our economy is huge. Kill it NOW.

  3. Aren’t there shareholders for Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac?
    What do they think of this arrangement?
    Do they at least get free healthcare out of the deal?
    Another Democrap slush fund, like EPA and FTC fines, that goes to their cronies.

  4. Seems like Dr. Gruber’s roadmap to single-payer during Her Thighness’ first term is coming to shit. If it’s illegal, then why is he even suggesting he’ll approve the payments at all–Aetna and its cronies will just have to learn how to be capitalists again, not hogs feeding at Uncle’s trough. They should be begging Trump to convene a “summit” and fix the problem–and the Dems will come when their lobbying clients (read: corporate CEO contributors) demand they attend.

  5. As if people reading this website need any more horror stories, but…

    I live as an expat in Canada. I lost my doctor (illness then retired) almost two years ago. No doctors in my area (north but not far, far north) are taking patients. I go to a clinic for checkups and med refills. Just learned this week that I need to make a separate appointment for each med I take, and they need to be on separate days (government checks on these things, you know). So, now I need to drive an hour (one way) four times in the next couple of weeks just to get my prescriptions refilled. I don’t blame the doctor, he is trying to make a living as the government cuts his payments more and more.

    Sure, the visit is “free”, but believe me, I would rather have a decent insurer to cover part of my costs and pay them rather than to have it sifted through the hands of a huge government bureaucracy with all of those extra, paper-pushing people getting their cuts.

    If government could just get out of the business ENTIRELY,I could probably pay my doctor directly for most of my needs and just get a catastrophic care package.

  6. “and the Dems will come when their lobbying clients (read: corporate CEO contributors) demand they attend.”

    the lobbyists must be really busy on this. It is the icing on their cake.

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