The Art of The Virtue Signal – IOTW Report

The Art of The Virtue Signal

Flying paper airplanes from the top level of the Guggenheim Museum. Why? To protest the unwillingness to create a “no-fly” zone over Ukraine.



14 Comments on The Art of The Virtue Signal

  1. Well, dummies, stop playing with toys and go get serious jobs (stop at you local Army recruiter’s office), then after 30 years of politics, you can make the decisions that intensify the wars.

    It’s not as if there is any accurate information to be had on that conflict to base such a decision on.

    FJB, and his whiny little synchophants too.

  2. I think a hashtag campaign would be more forceful!
    Paper airplanes? Pfffffffttttttttt …

    It’s difficult to come up with something absolutely meaningless, risk-free, and topical!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Historically, The Ukraine has attacked & brutalized Poland Before, so WHY THE FUCK SHOULD POLAND GIVE EVEN 1 FUCKING MIG to the UKRAINIANS?!?!

    They only have 89 fighters total: 23 Mig-29, 18 Su-22, 48 F-16D

  4. The usual pack of shallow, hyper-conformist morons are now advocating going to war with a nuclear power over a country they couldn’t find on a map because the cunts on The View told them to.


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