The Atlantic Wants Third Time to Be the Charm – IOTW Report

The Atlantic Wants Third Time to Be the Charm

The Federalist

The outlandish hit piece on Donald Trump published this week by Jeffery Goldberg at The Atlantic, which was immediately denied on the record by all the people who were in the room with Trump, isn’t just a shoddy smear that would never have passed muster in a newsroom 20 years ago.

It’s more than that. It’s part of a larger psy-op to justify mass post-election violence if Trump wins in November, to signal activists to reject the results of the election, to divide the military, and to coax an insurgency out of the radical left-wing base of the Democratic Party and unleash it on American cities. More

8 Comments on The Atlantic Wants Third Time to Be the Charm

  1. WOW, if these facts were turned around….

    These pretentious BASTARDS would have a total blow-out, an unending conniption fit, a giant EGAD moment, a call for the death sentence….

    I totally despise these fuckers, the ‘powers-that-be’ have, unfortunately, done a great job of dividing America.

    To me, that is treason and some people need to pay for it.

  2. If one were to actually stop hearing what they say, and focus on what they do/have done it would become extremely clear which political party endorses facist policies and seeks to elect persons with aspirations to emulate Mr. Hitler and German 1930’s tactics.

    Period. Mic drop…crickets…

    Cue Bruce Springsteen singing Liebanstrum…

  3. I think some of the left loonies will try something after the election. Their reasoning will go like this: Trump tried it on January 6. 2020, now its our turn.

    Will they be successfull? No, don’t think so. There’s not enough of them with the guts to succesfully carry out a rebellion. Too many soy boys, overweight green-haired harridans, all led by rotten traitorous Dumpcrats and RINOs.

    The worst they can do is leave big messes on the streets, made up of human waste, broken signs, dried blood, and body parts.

  4. We all knew this was where she’d end up. It’s all she has, and all she really is. She, like all leftists, thrills to chaos and violence…

    “Everyone beware. They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day … They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.”—Kamala Harris, shilling BLM riots,June 2020

    Funny how nobody asks her about that, as if time began on January 6th, 2021. She’s a dangerous, amoral little person, who couldn’t believe she has gotten so far on such a small mind.

    Well, she can pick up the megaphone and cheerlead the chaos, but she doesn’t seem to realize that it will be unleashed if she loses, and that it is being called for because she’s expected to lose. But I guess losing is okay with her as long as everyone pays for electing PDT.

    She could still be a Senator from California, doing nothing all day, never getting questioned about anything, raking in the perks and insider trading. But she got it in her head that she was meant for bigger things, and now she’s been exposed as an “Adverse Experience”/DEI/Affirmative Action—whatever you want to call it—mediocrity whom even her fellow leftists look down on.

    The Federalist paints an alarming picture , but in the end, everything the Dem/Deep State/Media is hawking reeks of flop-sweat. It is tired old repeats of past failed attacks, it is fooling nobody, and seems almost pro forma. Kamala may have her screech on, but they’re just waiting for her to fizzle out.

    There doesn’t even seem to be much enthusiasm for the steal. It’s more exciting for them to plan to sabotage Trump again while safely at their desks. Not saying there won’t be some semblance of an insurrection, just that there’s risk involved, and somebody has to fund it and control it. And even leftist shit-heels get bored with that game.

    I’m more worried about the high-level sabotage and of the sort that dogged PDT in his first term than the human debris nutting up in the streets or the would-be assassins who need baby-sitting by the deep state ,which is risk-averse when their guy or gal is not in power.

    So let’s just enjoy the desperation fireworks and put PDT back in the White House. We’ll deal with things as they come.

    And speaking of fireworks…remember Hillary’s fireworks barge? Good times, good times.

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