The Attack of the 50 Foot Acronym – LGGBDTTTIQQAAP – IOTW Report

The Attack of the 50 Foot Acronym – LGGBDTTTIQQAAP

The “I am special because I’m filled with contrived sexual ambiguity” crowd has expanded their acronym.

It is now:


If I could give them a little advice, maybe they could try this one for finite brevity-


That would be “Everyone except straight white males.”

But what fun would that be? These people wake up every day hoping they can carve out a new niche for themselves so when they enter the room other emo narcissists can envy them for what they thought of.

“That’s Bryanna. Bryanna is Visexual. They are only attracted to transexual rape survivors who can’t speak any longer.”

If anyone is interested in the glossary, it’s HERE.

ht/ bubba

27 Comments on The Attack of the 50 Foot Acronym – LGGBDTTTIQQAAP

  1. How about a simple AF (Alphabet freaks) Or DPC (Deviants, Perverts, and Cruds) Or we could use our own letters for all the normal people HSNCCVPD (Honest, Straight, Normal, Christian, Conservative, Virtuous, Principled and Decent)!

  2. This is what happens when being different just for the sake of being different is accepted as a virtue, while setting yourself apart by actually being good, great or exceptional at something is scorned as a vice.

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