The Audacity of Hoax – IOTW Report

The Audacity of Hoax

23 Comments on The Audacity of Hoax

  1. Absolutely expected when Obama got involved. Double dealing smug Bastards!

    What a slap in the face to the police and detectives who worked the case with ethics and integrity. Heroes smacked down.

  2. They shit in their own mess kit this time.

    This is getting away from them really quickly. The British papers are all reporting on Big Mike having been directly involved.

  3. Nice cover art.

    Some shitweasel reporter from Chicago was trying to sugar coat this on Larry O’Connor radio today. Certainly, with all the murders and serious crime in Chicago, the judicial system didn’t need to be bogged down chasing a series of misdemeanors.

    Yeah. Besmirching over half of America by claiming we’re all a rabid lynch mob trolling for black queers in the name of Trump is perfectly OK. That’s just fine and falsely accusing innocents of a hate crime is not a hate crime. Pretty sure Smollet hates me.

  4. As a future President of the country that does not exist, be careful what you write or say…As a judge certified victim, the world is his. As a Black Gay of some gender perhaps, he has all of the qualifications that Democrats are seeking. I assume that some police force is being instructed to find the white MAGA hat wearing bastards at any cost..

  5. Smollett actually was a nobody who became known rather widely and quickly at a time when a lot of serious political criminal exposure was in process. That satirical book cover actually reveals who it is that should be the subject of criminal charges. Barack Obama! Likely Smollett was chosen to be the decoy and patsy for MSM showtime and tricked alt media to rant and rave about his crime. All to provide cover and distraction from the on-going investigations that have been incriminating Obama. Even the Chicago PD chief and Mayor Rahm give a good performance of outrage. Remembering that Chicago is and was Obama’s personal stomping grounds and nasty Rahm was in Obama’s administration. So very likely everyone has “been had” by this whole Hollywooded script. It is way past time for Barack Obama to be prosecuted for his criminal activity. Just two of many sources:

    Nets Ignore Obama’s DOJ Telling FBI Not to Charge Hillary With ‘Gross Negligence’
    By Nicholas Fondacaro | March 13, 2019 9:45 PM EDT

    In probing the McCabe-Rosenstein coup against Trump, AG Barr MUST question the ringleader: Barack Obama
    Posted on February 19, 2019 i

  6. The 24/7 news hammers two ways but the left
    thinks it can put a lid on people seeing their
    dirt on the backswing. When these constant tales
    of the elites using their “get out of jail free”
    status get too old they may all start wishing
    they had it as easy as Marie Antionette.

  7. Anyone happen to catch Broadchurch on Nutflix?

    The better 1/3 put it on last week when I was too hungover to do much else.

    The end of season 2 is just as tragic as the CURRENT outcome of BullshitFcukwadLiar Jussie Smollett.

    Try it, you might like it. Without giving it all away, so far it appears there’s some level headed Pikes in this series.


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