The Australians Have Noticed Joe’s Declining Mental State – IOTW Report

The Australians Have Noticed Joe’s Declining Mental State

Gateway Pundit

Australian reporter Cory Bernardi is the first mainstream host to report on Joe Biden’s obvious dementia that is apparent to anyone paying attention. No one in the US liberal media is strong enough to point this out – President Biden is out to lunch. He is in an escalating stage of cognitive decline. More

15 Comments on The Australians Have Noticed Joe’s Declining Mental State

  1. The people who voted for and elected Biden don’t care about this as long as he continues to undo everything Trump did and push forward with the Leftist agenda as fast as he can so they can catch up to where they would have been if Hillary had been elected.

    That’s why his popularity rating is well over 50%, higher than Trump’s ever was.

  2. People 12,000 miles away can see it, but DC swamp critters can’t?

    Could be a case of the greater the distance, the greater the objectivity.

    Or, it’s simply that the DC crowd doesn’t want to talk about what’s been obvious about Bidet for at least the last year, and what President Trump alluded to several times.

  3. In a related story, someone finally brought a lawsuit challenging Kamela Harris’ eligibility to hold the office of VP (and president). It is going to the DC circuit. And guess what judge is being assigned to the case?

    Judge Emmitt Sullivan. I shit you not.


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