The Ax Is Going to Drop on the IRS – IOTW Report

The Ax Is Going to Drop on the IRS


According to the New York Times, the IRS will begin laying off up to 6,000 staff this week. More

With an estimated workforce of 100,000, that’s about a 6% cut. – Dr. Tar

17 Comments on The Ax Is Going to Drop on the IRS

  1. I’ve seen Trump wants to give us 20% of what doge saves. Musk is talking about $5k refund. Stop teasing us, shut it down. Kill the income tax theft. Trump needs to get rid of it or a future prez will just hire them all back. NEVER FORGET ARMED AGENTS WILLING TO KILL AMERICANS.

  2. If somebody would just listen to reason.
    Tax when money is spent, that way even drug dealers pay income tax.
    The tax code is set up to tax your tax and tax it again.
    It’s obvious the country doesn’t really need 40/50% of our income.
    “Nip it, nip it in the bud !” – Barney

  3. Whatever happened to all the weapons and ammunition that 0bama was buying for federal agencies like the IRS and the Post Office? Now that I think on it, ol’ Barky wanted his own civilian army too.

  4. YES, deposit those Stimulus Checks ASAP! The American taxpayer deserves it. Great job DOGE. By the way, reduce the IRS to operating with a closely monitored skeleton crew staff. No need for a huge number of unaccountable IRS goons ripping off taxpayers.

  5. Repeal the 16th or all is in vain.
    What one President can do, another can undo (which we are witnessing).
    But by repealing the 16th it would require the passage of ANOTHER amendment to re-instate the abomination of income tax.
    The income tax was founded in Europe by the socialists to punish those who earned by turning their money over to the gov’t to do with as the bureaucrats pleased (which usually meant stealing it for personal enrichment). We followed that and passed the 16th based on the lie (and a furious envy) that ONLY the top 1/2 of 1% would be taxed – though that’s not how the Amendment reads.

    The Leviathan state is dependent upon it.
    It is one of the sources of Europe’s and America’s woes – it totally destroyed the idea that what you earn is yours.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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