The Babylon Bee Presents: Honest Company Slogans – IOTW Report

The Babylon Bee Presents: Honest Company Slogans

Babylon Bee: False advertising is a stain on the fabric of our society. In order to thoroughly bleach this fabric and make it soft with extra fabric softener, we have assembled honest company slogans that we now demand all businesses to switch to. NO EXCEPTIONS!

18 Comments on The Babylon Bee Presents: Honest Company Slogans

  1. Ha ha ha!
    Yep – that’d be better!

    Oh – for the GOP – “We suck, lie, steal, are gutless, and are corrupt – but we’re not Demonrats!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Starbucks: “Come for the coffee, stay for the bathroom contagion.”

    Macy’s: “Our stores are safe from COVID because they’re empty.”

    United Airlines: “You vear your mask und you vill like it!”

    Disney: “Do it to the children.”

  3. Easy, dumb, very very dumbass question, YOUR FXCKING NEXT! Oh yeah your horse cum will save you, make sure you take enough to choke a horse of course. Hiding in your mom’s basement won’t save you!

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