The Ball of Confusion Never Ends – IOTW Report

The Ball of Confusion Never Ends

Corky was taking a drive and this came on the radio. She says sans a few references to the 70s, this songs’ lyrics are as apropos as the day it came out.

People movin’ out, people movin’ in.
Why, because of the color of their skin.
Run, run, run, but you sho’ can’t hide
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Vote for me and I’ll set you free
Rap on, brother, rap on.
Well, the only person talkin’ ’bout love thy brother is the preacher
And it seems nobody’s interested in learning but the teacher
Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration, aggravation,
humiliation, obligation to our nation
Ball Of Confusion that’s what the world is today (yeah, yeah)
The sale of pills is at an all time high
young folks walkin’ ’round with their heads in the sky
Cities aflame in the summer time, and oh the beat goes on
Eve of destruction, tax deduction,
City inspectors, bill collectors,
Evolution, revolution, gun control, the sound of soul,
Shootin’ rockets to the moon, kids growin’ up too soon
Politicians say more taxes will solve ev’rything, and the band played on.
Round and round and around we go, where the world’s headed nobody knows.
Great googa mooga, can’t you hear me talkin’ to you, just a
Ball of Confusion that’s what the world is today. (yeah, yeah)
Fear in the air, tension ev’rywhere
Unemployment rising fast, the Beatle’s new record’s a gas,
and the only safe place to live is on an Indian reservation,
and the band played on
Eve of destruction, tax deduction,
City inspectors, bill collectors, mod clothes in demand,
population out of hand, suicide too many bills, hippies movin’ to the hills
People all over the world are shouting end the war and the band played on.
Round and round and around we go, where the world’s headed nobody knows.
Great googa mooga, can’t you hear me talkin’ to you, just a
Ball of Confusion that’s what the world is today
Let me hear you, let me hear you, let me hear you
Ball Of Confusion that’s what the world is today

20 Comments on The Ball of Confusion Never Ends

  1. Well, except for this part…

    “Unemployment rising fast, the Beatle’s new record’s a gas,
    and the only safe place to live is on an Indian reservation…”

    …other than that, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

  2. There was a time when a lot of local AM top 40 radio stations would not play Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire, it was considered to be too controversial. I still get shivers up and down my spine whenever I hear that song. But they’d play to death crap like Harper Valley PTA, Ode To Billy Joe, Watching Snotty Grow etc. at least every 10 minutes

  3. I don’t know, Corky. Songs like Ball of Confusion were intended, I think, to pour gas on the fire and make kids believe in the hopelessness of the times. I don’t think it was a real reflection of reality of the time any more than I think BLM or antifa are a reflection of the majority now. It was just another song that reflected the radicalism of some — mostly young — Americans. I hope no one listens to “Money For Nothing” and thinks it was a complete depiction of the ’80’s.

  4. Listen to the Temptations greatest hits chronologically and it is a reflection of the era. At first it was sweetness and innocence.

    My Girl
    The way you do the things you do

    Then gets darker and darker with songs like…
    Ball of confusion
    Papa was a rolling stone

    As the black community came apart the temptations reflected it in their music. Plus, members were dealing with their own personal demons.

  5. Half-A-Century later our run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, urine-soaked, feces-friendly, Shit-hole cities, controlled by corrupt democRAT politicians, are still busy rewarding cronies with public funds, establishing hostile business environments, heavily taxing the most productive citizens, setting up fat pensions for their union friends, dividing Black people with fabricated “Racism” while selling them Hope & Change® Snake Oil every time there is an election… because it pays really, really well to maintain that “Ball of Confusion”!!


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