The Barack Hussein Obama Seotoro Presidential Liebarry – IOTW Report

The Barack Hussein Obama Seotoro Presidential Liebarry

Middle Finger News Service Wire
Earl of taint Reporting

“Anonymous sources are reporting the Barack Hussein Obama Seotoro Presidential Library (“The Liebarry”) will in fact be located in the great city of Chicago Illinois.

This is encouraging news for yours truly, as I long ago submitted my entry in the Barack Hussein Obama Seotoro Presidential Library Conceptual Design Contest.

Figuring it couldn’t hurt, I claimed to be a one-legged lesbian refugee from Somalia with a Masters in Architecture and a Doctorate in Urban Planning and Critical Race Theory.  MORE

16 Comments on The Barack Hussein Obama Seotoro Presidential Liebarry

  1. The Obama Liebarry…yes, Liebarry….(go fuck yourself Bad Brads spell checker)….is only thirty pages long, with photos that have been photo shopped….the liebarry could fit into a mobile taco truck and could actually make money selling tacos….”TACO BARRACK”….he could travel the country selling tacos ….so far, this concept, is the only thing he’s never F’d up in his life….and this is purely hypothetical to this point in the hypothetical scale of failure, so he couldn’t have F’d it up yet, but he would….

  2. “Liebarry” and “TACO BARRACK” have already been trademarked by a goat named Gus…pay homage to him….he likes beer….cold…not light….

  3. The upside is that there is a 100% chance that it will be looted and destroyed by Barry’s sons in the wake of some not yet stated grievance against whitey.

    Oh, and because they will all believe that because they put him in the WH, they deserve some of the goodies which will no doubt be found there. It’s only fair, after all, Obama is big on wealth distribution.

  4. Seotoro?
    Never heard of that one.
    His real name is Barry Soetoro, he never legally changed it.
    He might have been born with a different name than his legally adopted name, but there is no way he would have been taken to a muslim country and had his name changed from a muslim one to an American ‘Barry’. Most likely his birth name was Barry Dunham.

  5. OK OK OK…I’ve been drinkin’ and I’m not far from my feathered bed…Now, one question…..Who would Barrack and the moose back for the presidency?….it’s almost like throwing lighter fluid at your sister….can you light it?….huuuh huhh…..makes ya think…social services were never called on us in the making of this informercial….

  6. i’m gonna donate a picture of barry o’fraud answering press questions like ..
    “where’s da beef .. ??” with a wink barry answers .. “it’s in my ass” ..

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