The Bee vs. Not The Bee On New Sesame Street Muppet – IOTW Report

The Bee vs. Not The Bee On New Sesame Street Muppet

See if you can tell which is the real story about a new Muppet recently introduced to Sesame Street.

Story One: “Sesame Street adds a black Muppet to teach neo-Marxist racial justice”

The Muppets were of the purple, blue, red, yellow, green race. Now we have a black Muppet who will teach about race. Isn’t that racist to put a black Muppet in with fake purple, blue, and so-on Muppet people?

“Sesame Street” has several other Muppets that reflect people of color, including Tamir and Gabrielle, who are part of the “Power of We” club to celebrate their different identities and learn to become “upstanders” for racial justice, CBS News reports. More

Story Two: “Sesame Street Introduces ‘Todd’, A White Male Muppet Who Is Blamed For Everything

In a courageous new episode of Sesame Street, the puppets teach kids about social justice by introducing a new character, Todd– a white male puppet who is blamed for everything wrong in the world.

Minutes into the episode, Todd is introducing himself to the other puppets and a prescriptively diverse cast of guest children, when he is confronted by Grover about Todd’s culpability regarding a distant ancestor who fought for the Confederacy. More

13 Comments on The Bee vs. Not The Bee On New Sesame Street Muppet

  1. I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood and my school was mostly white folk.
    Sesame Street had black folk over-represented and I never even questioned it or had any issues with it.
    Perhaps the 7 foot stupid yellow bird and orange and green motherfuckers kind of muted any racial response?

  2. I can see PBS taking inspiration from this. Satire quickly becomes reality in this post-modern living nightmare. Think of the most outlandish thing possible and it will happen, sooner than later.

  3. …I gave up on Sesame Street when they did “Follow That Bird” in 1985.

    Big Bird was sent by a socal worker to get him off the street to be fostered by the Dodos, who were nothing but nice and good to them, but the whole rest of the thing was that he didn’t want to be raised by them becuase they were not his kind, which you could read as race, so he ran away to find parents that looked like him. He never did, but he ended up back on Sesame Street where he felt known and loved.

    So the moral, as far as their WAS one, seemed to be “its better to be a homeless street person than to be loved and raised by someone who does not look like you”, a sentiment that I would imagine Colon Kapernick identifes with.

    TV goes *CLICK!*

    …screw THAT noise.

    …I thought it was just “public” television and the Communist Public Broadcasting being who they are at the time.

    …I had NO idea it was a harbinger of things to come…

  4. …possible revised song lyrics…

    “Puuuush-ing drogs,
    Filling some…creeeap with zlugs,

    Goooons and thugs,
    And popo onnn retreat…

    …Can you tell me how to leave,
    To escape from BLM Street?”


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