The Belgian Malinois – IOTW Report

The Belgian Malinois

“I should have researched the Belgian Malinois before getting one. They are too smart for me.”

16 Comments on The Belgian Malinois

  1. “Dogs are amazing but need training”
    Applies to all dogs.
    I often have people ask me to train their dog, I say “Sure do you have a couple years?”
    Repetition, reward, and discipline.(No treats)

  2. Lately I’ve been binge watching Seal Team on Paramount Plus, great show, and in it one of the Seals is a dog handler with a BM who goes on all their missions. The stuff he does and the jams he sniffs out before any harm can come to the team, fun to watch.

  3. There used to be a guy who brought his Malinois to the field across the street.
    That dog was so athletic and beautiful in action we would spend a half hr just watching.

  4. If you love Belgian Mals see the movie, “Dog”. Its awesome. One of my dog lady friends at the local park has one, Zela. She was a foster that she kept and she always has another foster that she is training. They are so smart and protective. Don’t have to be lethal but they can be. Her dog is very sweet and loves my shaggy little mutt.

  5. SNS, I can’t think about it. My heart breaks. Dogs are a beautiful God designed creatures and some like Belgian Malinios are magnificent. Just one more group of valuable lives Demoniac Joe and KamalMao abandoned in Afghanistan. Those two truly deserve an eternity in Hell.

  6. Had someone ask me the other day how come my GSD female was so well trained as she was sitting quietly by my side, unrestrained, while their dog was going nutso on a leash. As some one mentioned, repetition, discipline and I’ll add encouragement(love).

    She got, you’re such a good dog for a couple minutes after that. You better believe she knew what for.

  7. From the looks of the videos I’ve, I’ll have to agree with you Kcir. Don’t know if I would describe a couple of the GSD I’ve had as “quaint” but no doubt those BM’s require lots of attention, exercise and discipline.


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