The Best Argument For The Obamacare Replacement Bill – IOTW Report

The Best Argument For The Obamacare Replacement Bill

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum had been making the rounds last week urging Americans to get behind the block-grant bill that would replace Obamacare.

On Crowder’s show this week, he argued that block-granting Obamacare will lead to the same positive results we achieved when Welfare was block- granted in the 90’s.

You can listen to the interview starting at the 1:01 mark,  Here

8 Comments on The Best Argument For The Obamacare Replacement Bill

  1. Sorry, I really don’t care what he says or what so called “positive” results were achieved regarding welfare since federal welfare should not exist, nor should federal block grants for health insurance.

    There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that establishes the federal government as a charity.

  2. Block granting money to Blue states with no restrictions on how they spend that money will lead to the rapid expansion of “Medicaid for all” (a.k.a. Single Payer) in those states and the end of what’s left of the private health insurance market. That’s why Ms. Lindsey’s bill will never become law.

  3. I don’t like the idea of “replace” as long as the gov’t is a main stakeholder in the deal. With all the time and money wasted on the subject of healthcare, every American could have had a 100% paid health insurance policy and preventive care coming out our ears.

  4. this is all a joke on us, folks ….. the republicans want obysmalcare as much as the democRats … they want Government Control as much as the democRats … they just pretend they don’t … & laugh at us every time we vote for them
    it’s a game … yesterday it was McShitstain … day before that it was Rand Paul … today’s it’s Susan Collins … tomorrow it’s someone else ….
    it’s all bullshit!

  5. Trump could use an EO to drop Obamacare as unconstitutional. Get the government’s greedy hands out of our Health Care period. Whatever the Rino’s replace Obamacare with will be exactly the same or worse.

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