Computer’s been out of order for the couple days so I don’t know if anyone pointed this out or not, but since I am just now catching up on the posts, I have to say this was the best comment yesterday.
“It’s becoming clear to me that the federal government itself is the greatest threat to America’s national security.” – Mohammed’s pink swastika
I’m 6’6 and 250. And would be a big fat slob. But. For one thing.
I lift weights,not to the point of being muscle bound. I’m just really cut. No fat. Just muscle.
So. Here is my point. Get a 10 lb weight and lift it with each hand. Start slow. Today you might lift it twice. In a week maybe 5 times. This will slowly turn your fat to muscle.
Its what I did a long time ago. Now I lift 50 lbs with each arm 25 times a day. Plus other lifting. You get into it once you reach a year. Now I can’t stop.
Ernest T. Bass owes me a soda:
while i support the duck guys 101% i do get tired of seeing their faces plastered on everything in every store i go in. i’m from monroe, la. their hometown and still live about 49 mi. from there. my first calls were the commanders. but their faces on everything from pillow cases to underwear a bit much. there’s even a $5 duck commander scratch off lottery ticket . what’s next …. a douche bottle with unc. sy’s face on it…. “get’er clean jack! ” not hating at all, being my synical self. 🙂
Winter storm Hercules was a Trojan horse for globull warming. It has ushered in and is now occupying our yards in the form of record cold and snow.
Well played globull warming. Well played indeed.
wow, I have turned into one bitter, angry bitch.
that means you still love America and are willing to fight for it, and not just here on the algorewebs
just to make sure I’m seeing this correctly…..
Colorado is all about gun control and running off an entire industry….but welcomes the marijuana industry? Well, alrighty, then……
Aw, Cardigan, that’s so sweet. Think I’ll keep it, even though I AM “Fat and Furious” and the screen name fits me better than “The First Lady Macbeth” would have suited Hillary during the White House years.
@Try lifting weights, sorry, but the idea is a nonstarter for me. As a double mastectomee who had a sentinel node biopsy on each side, I have terrible lymphadema in both upper arms. Lifting anything heav, including weights,will only make it worse.
Just realized that “The First Lady Macbeth” is an example of a “Jeopardy!” category called “Before and After.” Here some others:
A.: This was specially desgned to keep members of a certain Christian sect safe after seeing a crime committed.
Q.: What is the Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program?
A.: He was our country’s first gay president.
Q.: Who is Harry S Truman Capote?
A.: This baseball Hall of Famer has a station named after him on the Hudson line of New York state’s Metro North railroad.
Q.: Who is Croton-Harmon Killebrew?
“@Try lifting weights, sorry, but the idea is a nonstarter for me.”
Just work legs. Big muscle groups burn big calories. Squats is the only exercise that can actually speed up your metabolism. What ya got to lose? Give it a try.
Cruel, yet funny.
This thing is hysterically funny, particularly if you know a little about the global warming con:
Chris Turney is a Pseudoscientist climate boob who took a group of far left tourists and journalists on a pleasure cruise to Antarctica to pretend to find global warming when they became trapped in record sea ice. Tony Abbott is the new AU PM who has declared Globull Warming a hoax.
A fun way to meet new people is to stand on the edge of a public bridge, shaking a baby stroller upside down over the side.
TINVOWOOT – There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This
Don’t be daunted or distracted by issues beyond the scope of your ability to effect at your local level. Look at it from the perspective it is as it should be. Become invested, manifest in your and your loved ones destiny. Because it all begins with each of us. From there the power to effect the course of events is rooted and grows. Then the means to invest the enemy to advantage, cause them to react at our time and choosing, at our Liberty is attained. Then it is not Freemen who are picked off piecemeal, but hold the moral tactical and strategic high ground. It is the tyrants who are forced to defend everywhere piecemeal their tyranny. Over extended, their flanks left exposed.
Being manifold in our destiny, it is the might, a force multiplier if you will, of the culture of our Liberty, the ability to infiltrate our enemy from upstream and attack the soft underbelly of their illegitimacy.
BFH, my kids are too old for that and I don’t have a line on a spaceship. I have a forest picture if you can photoshop in the rest. My oldest is 10 now, so I need it fairly soon.
I think the government should fund two groups to study global warming with equal amounts of money. One group of true believers and one group of true skeptics. Them in two years compare which group has the most evidence. The group with the most wins and the group with the least pays back all the money spent on both groups. My guess is you would then have a hard time finding BELIEVERS.
(Response to idiot progressive, self-described “Cheerleader” for Obamacare, who can’t afford Obamacare…..or any healthcare at this point….and is totally confused why it isn’t completely free)
“That’s the problem with cheerleaders; it matters not about reality. Her team is down 100 points with 15 seconds left to go and the stupid bitch still thinks a cheer will help turn the game around. When the clock runs out and her bank account is sucked dry, she will go cheer for Hillary on the same team.”
I’ve been out trolling on liberal web sites all day. Well… in between doing my job, other various chores, duties and crap like that.
This one seems to be the hit of the day.
Did you know that Planned Parenthood was founded by a regular speaker at Klu Klux Klan meeting’s
Did you know that 95 percent of all abortion clinics are in minority neighborhoods?
Did you know that Jesse Jackson when he ran for president he changed his stance on abortion, from “black genocide” to a “woman’s choice?”
Did you know that the Nazis took much of their eugenics science from American eugenics scientist’s?
Did you know that eugenics was created in America after the end of slavery to destroy blacks in America through sterilization, birth control, and eventually abortion?
Did you know that abortion is the number one killer of blacks in America. every year abortion kills more black people than AIDS, heart disease, cigarettes, and gang violence!
Did you know that one in four black children are aborted?
Did you know that the most dangerous place for a black baby to be in her mother’s womb?
Did you know that both political parties not only knew about this ethnic cleansing, but support it still to this day? (Yes I will provide proof.)
Do you support racism? Ethnic cleansing? Genocide?!?
Liberals used to be liberal thinkers, not just liberals in name only. Don’t be told what is real find reality for yourself. Educate yourself.
This documentary was put out by black people, to educate black people of the truth about abortion. I would challenge you to watch this video in its entirety and then ask yourself where it is wrong.
All the evidence provided in this documentary is taken directly from the Library of Congress it is the actual historical documents proving the truth about abortion.
You could virtually hear the liberal heads exploding. Their screeching and clicking of hooves on keyboards was near deafening. ROTFLMAO!!!
Gawd I love the truth.
While I was out trolling through the liberal mind sewers I came across several articles claiming that “Obamacare has already signed up 10 million uninsured. While conservative rage grows.”
I’m not sure they liked the government statistics that I posted. 🙂
@ Pinky, thanks. thats an awesome video.
Why the socialist/progressives want gun control:
“The advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
James Madison
White Power (AKA John P) posted this on a video about my Mom dying:
Menderman: He’s an ignorant bastard. I believe he’s been neutralized here.
Yes, Moe Tom, he has…now he is stalking me on the interwebs…I be scared now!
@Menderman – I know that you know that WP is loser of the nth degree. The hurt he tries to inflict is mitigated by the knowledge of that fact. He will receive his just deserts.
Menderman, I wouldn’t sweat him. He’s probably some little skinny guy.
I’m a little skinny guy!
(with big friends)
I share this only so we can collectively laugh at the panty waste.
He said something about my mother also. I told him we might be related. You know, us being brain dead an’ all? If you need a back up just……. well just call bad brad. He’ll stomp his ass skinny or fat. I’ll handle the leftovers. Hee, hee. You guys are a howl.
Why won’t wp come after me!?! Damnit! Squeeky little faggot.
Menderman, just continuously and constantly put him in his place. Verbally abuse that little bastard until he cries for his mama.
I have known many skinheads over the years and every single one of them is just scared shitless.
They overcompensate for being scared of minorities and Jews and pretty much everyone by trying to act tough they are not.
Trust me, he’s got tranny videos stuck under his mom’s couch. find out what bothers them then grind salt you into that wound until he squeals like a stuck pig.
Actually, I feel bad for him. Think how sad it is to be reduced to only being able to be a big man on the interwebs. I only fear that he will go into a school and start shooting strangers to somehow prove himself and get his name in lights. If the fight needs to be fought, I’d much rater he attack me so no children are harmed.
The Gaelic blessing comes to mind…
I’d rather turn his heart, and God willing we will, but if not, may God turn his ankle so we know him by his limping.
If you are reading John P, I am right now saying a prayer for you……..
“He said something about my mother also”
What kind of a POS does that?
@Mr_Pinko Obama lied, politicians lie deal with it.Politics is not for the faint hearted
desperate sad people do that Brad, it is often times a call for help.
I have an Irish prayer also for the amadan.
“May the wind be always at your Back,
and may the road rise up and hit you square
in the fucking nose.”
Good for you, Menderman Don’t let that PAMF get to you.
Mr. Pinko. So lying is acceptable to Shirley Oswald?
Who is Shirley?
Shirley Oswald is your typical Obama supporter.
You’re being charged for that.
It used to be that if you visited the streets of life and someone hit on you that hook-up was free, well, not any more.
If we accept the terminology that there are Ho’s, Pimps, Johns, and Commissioners, with the Commissioners granting legal authority, the Johns overseeing the work of the Pimps, and the Pimps watching after the Ho’s, let us turn to Washington State.
As an Insured Motorist you are a Ho. If you reach out and touch somebody, your John (Insurance Company) holds their Pimp (Insurance Agent) accountable to make sure funds proceed from you (the Ho) for the “accident”.
If however, somebody hits on you, a Ho, with no invitation, the John still expects the you to pay $300.00. This is because the John calls it “Accident Involvement”, and in spite of the fact that you were completely innocent or maybe by your actions saved a person’s life you will still pay. If the John makes the rules, he wins but he can only win with the help of a Commissioner and in Washington State that person is
Mike Kriedler the Commissioner of Insurance. Not only is he aware of the scheme, he blesses it.
I say follow the money, or better yet, tell me how to get a job like that.
If you had an accident in which you were an innocent party, your Insurance in Washington State will go up, and Mike refuses to do anything about it.
“The best thing I can say about the ACA is this: In the 1960’s one of the largest and most lucrative brothels in Nevada was shut down and taken over by the government for tax evasion. This brothel had been in operation for more than forty years and had been a million-dollar business. Six months after the government took it over, the business declared bankruptcy and was liquidated. The moral of this story is that we have handed over our entire healthcare system to people that couldn’t even make money selling whores and whiskey twenty miles from Las Vegas.”
-Derek Peterman
Comments section at the independent jourval, via theconservativetreehouse
The citizens of the USSA will be lying face down with the government’s balls well up their colon, pockets turned out with nary a dime, and I don’t think it will be enough to incite the change that is needed. The reason: the majority of people are stupid, scared, or stupid and scared.
I see a nation of chronic wasting diseased deer staring dumbfoundedly at a very big headlight.
Computer’s been out of order for the couple days so I don’t know if anyone pointed this out or not, but since I am just now catching up on the posts, I have to say this was the best comment yesterday.
“It’s becoming clear to me that the federal government itself is the greatest threat to America’s national security.” – Mohammed’s pink swastika
I’ve reread some of my posts for the past few days and wow, I have turned into one bitter, angry bitch. Worse than Michelle, even.
Since I am 5’8-1/2″ and weigh 260, I am considering changing my screen name to @fatandfurious. Upvote, please, if you think I should.
” I like you just the way you aaaaaare ”
– Billy Joel, dba Cardigan.
“America is going to hell in a handcart because the white man is too busy jogging and making money.”
(He said this about thirty years ago.)
This thread was the best.
I like hearing stories about how people live,what their lives are like.
I’m 6’6 and 250. And would be a big fat slob. But. For one thing.
I lift weights,not to the point of being muscle bound. I’m just really cut. No fat. Just muscle.
So. Here is my point. Get a 10 lb weight and lift it with each hand. Start slow. Today you might lift it twice. In a week maybe 5 times. This will slowly turn your fat to muscle.
Its what I did a long time ago. Now I lift 50 lbs with each arm 25 times a day. Plus other lifting. You get into it once you reach a year. Now I can’t stop.
Ernest T. Bass owes me a soda:
while i support the duck guys 101% i do get tired of seeing their faces plastered on everything in every store i go in. i’m from monroe, la. their hometown and still live about 49 mi. from there. my first calls were the commanders. but their faces on everything from pillow cases to underwear a bit much. there’s even a $5 duck commander scratch off lottery ticket . what’s next …. a douche bottle with unc. sy’s face on it…. “get’er clean jack! ” not hating at all, being my synical self. 🙂
What this country needs is a good five cents!
Winter storm Hercules was a Trojan horse for globull warming. It has ushered in and is now occupying our yards in the form of record cold and snow.
Well played globull warming. Well played indeed.
wow, I have turned into one bitter, angry bitch.
that means you still love America and are willing to fight for it, and not just here on the algorewebs
just to make sure I’m seeing this correctly…..
Colorado is all about gun control and running off an entire industry….but welcomes the marijuana industry? Well, alrighty, then……
“New England could get 8 to 10 inches”
Did they name him Mark Down?
Aw, Cardigan, that’s so sweet. Think I’ll keep it, even though I AM “Fat and Furious” and the screen name fits me better than “The First Lady Macbeth” would have suited Hillary during the White House years.
@Try lifting weights, sorry, but the idea is a nonstarter for me. As a double mastectomee who had a sentinel node biopsy on each side, I have terrible lymphadema in both upper arms. Lifting anything heav, including weights,will only make it worse.
find more stuff like this at
you can find more stuff like this at
Just realized that “The First Lady Macbeth” is an example of a “Jeopardy!” category called “Before and After.” Here some others:
A.: This was specially desgned to keep members of a certain Christian sect safe after seeing a crime committed.
Q.: What is the Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program?
A.: He was our country’s first gay president.
Q.: Who is Harry S Truman Capote?
A.: This baseball Hall of Famer has a station named after him on the Hudson line of New York state’s Metro North railroad.
Q.: Who is Croton-Harmon Killebrew?
“@Try lifting weights, sorry, but the idea is a nonstarter for me.”
Just work legs. Big muscle groups burn big calories. Squats is the only exercise that can actually speed up your metabolism. What ya got to lose? Give it a try.
Cruel, yet funny.
This thing is hysterically funny, particularly if you know a little about the global warming con:
Chris Turney is a Pseudoscientist climate boob who took a group of far left tourists and journalists on a pleasure cruise to Antarctica to pretend to find global warming when they became trapped in record sea ice. Tony Abbott is the new AU PM who has declared Globull Warming a hoax.
Matt Roller @rolldiggity
A fun way to meet new people is to stand on the edge of a public bridge, shaking a baby stroller upside down over the side.
TINVOWOOT – There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This
Don’t be daunted or distracted by issues beyond the scope of your ability to effect at your local level. Look at it from the perspective it is as it should be. Become invested, manifest in your and your loved ones destiny. Because it all begins with each of us. From there the power to effect the course of events is rooted and grows. Then the means to invest the enemy to advantage, cause them to react at our time and choosing, at our Liberty is attained. Then it is not Freemen who are picked off piecemeal, but hold the moral tactical and strategic high ground. It is the tyrants who are forced to defend everywhere piecemeal their tyranny. Over extended, their flanks left exposed.
Being manifold in our destiny, it is the might, a force multiplier if you will, of the culture of our Liberty, the ability to infiltrate our enemy from upstream and attack the soft underbelly of their illegitimacy.
BFH, my kids are too old for that and I don’t have a line on a spaceship. I have a forest picture if you can photoshop in the rest. My oldest is 10 now, so I need it fairly soon.
I think the government should fund two groups to study global warming with equal amounts of money. One group of true believers and one group of true skeptics. Them in two years compare which group has the most evidence. The group with the most wins and the group with the least pays back all the money spent on both groups. My guess is you would then have a hard time finding BELIEVERS.
ODA315, “Honey…..have you seen Fido?”
Street Couches Are the Best
Tim on: “Kim Jong Un Has A Soft Spot For Dogs”
“..Two hours later the dogs were hungry again …”
That one had me howling with laughter!
Love this one – from Eternal Cracker:
(Response to idiot progressive, self-described “Cheerleader” for Obamacare, who can’t afford Obamacare…..or any healthcare at this point….and is totally confused why it isn’t completely free)
“That’s the problem with cheerleaders; it matters not about reality. Her team is down 100 points with 15 seconds left to go and the stupid bitch still thinks a cheer will help turn the game around. When the clock runs out and her bank account is sucked dry, she will go cheer for Hillary on the same team.”
I’ve been out trolling on liberal web sites all day. Well… in between doing my job, other various chores, duties and crap like that.
This one seems to be the hit of the day.
Did you know that Planned Parenthood was founded by a regular speaker at Klu Klux Klan meeting’s
Did you know that 95 percent of all abortion clinics are in minority neighborhoods?
Did you know that Jesse Jackson when he ran for president he changed his stance on abortion, from “black genocide” to a “woman’s choice?”
Did you know that the Nazis took much of their eugenics science from American eugenics scientist’s?
Did you know that eugenics was created in America after the end of slavery to destroy blacks in America through sterilization, birth control, and eventually abortion?
Did you know that abortion is the number one killer of blacks in America. every year abortion kills more black people than AIDS, heart disease, cigarettes, and gang violence!
Did you know that one in four black children are aborted?
Did you know that the most dangerous place for a black baby to be in her mother’s womb?
Did you know that both political parties not only knew about this ethnic cleansing, but support it still to this day? (Yes I will provide proof.)
Do you support racism? Ethnic cleansing? Genocide?!?
Liberals used to be liberal thinkers, not just liberals in name only. Don’t be told what is real find reality for yourself. Educate yourself.
This documentary was put out by black people, to educate black people of the truth about abortion. I would challenge you to watch this video in its entirety and then ask yourself where it is wrong.
All the evidence provided in this documentary is taken directly from the Library of Congress it is the actual historical documents proving the truth about abortion.
You could virtually hear the liberal heads exploding. Their screeching and clicking of hooves on keyboards was near deafening. ROTFLMAO!!!
Gawd I love the truth.
While I was out trolling through the liberal mind sewers I came across several articles claiming that “Obamacare has already signed up 10 million uninsured. While conservative rage grows.”
I’m not sure they liked the government statistics that I posted. 🙂
@ Pinky, thanks. thats an awesome video.
Why the socialist/progressives want gun control:
“The advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
James Madison
White Power (AKA John P) posted this on a video about my Mom dying:
Menderman: He’s an ignorant bastard. I believe he’s been neutralized here.
Yes, Moe Tom, he has…now he is stalking me on the interwebs…I be scared now!
@Menderman – I know that you know that WP is loser of the nth degree. The hurt he tries to inflict is mitigated by the knowledge of that fact. He will receive his just deserts.
Menderman, I wouldn’t sweat him. He’s probably some little skinny guy.
I’m a little skinny guy!
(with big friends)
I share this only so we can collectively laugh at the panty waste.
He said something about my mother also. I told him we might be related. You know, us being brain dead an’ all? If you need a back up just……. well just call bad brad. He’ll stomp his ass skinny or fat. I’ll handle the leftovers. Hee, hee. You guys are a howl.
Why won’t wp come after me!?! Damnit! Squeeky little faggot.
Menderman, just continuously and constantly put him in his place. Verbally abuse that little bastard until he cries for his mama.
I have known many skinheads over the years and every single one of them is just scared shitless.
They overcompensate for being scared of minorities and Jews and pretty much everyone by trying to act tough they are not.
Trust me, he’s got tranny videos stuck under his mom’s couch. find out what bothers them then grind salt you into that wound until he squeals like a stuck pig.
Actually, I feel bad for him. Think how sad it is to be reduced to only being able to be a big man on the interwebs. I only fear that he will go into a school and start shooting strangers to somehow prove himself and get his name in lights. If the fight needs to be fought, I’d much rater he attack me so no children are harmed.
The Gaelic blessing comes to mind…
I’d rather turn his heart, and God willing we will, but if not, may God turn his ankle so we know him by his limping.
If you are reading John P, I am right now saying a prayer for you……..
“He said something about my mother also”
What kind of a POS does that?
desperate sad people do that Brad, it is often times a call for help.
I have an Irish prayer also for the amadan.
“May the wind be always at your Back,
and may the road rise up and hit you square
in the fucking nose.”
Good for you, Menderman Don’t let that PAMF get to you.
Mr. Pinko. So lying is acceptable to Shirley Oswald?
Who is Shirley?
Shirley Oswald is your typical Obama supporter.
You’re being charged for that.
It used to be that if you visited the streets of life and someone hit on you that hook-up was free, well, not any more.
If we accept the terminology that there are Ho’s, Pimps, Johns, and Commissioners, with the Commissioners granting legal authority, the Johns overseeing the work of the Pimps, and the Pimps watching after the Ho’s, let us turn to Washington State.
As an Insured Motorist you are a Ho. If you reach out and touch somebody, your John (Insurance Company) holds their Pimp (Insurance Agent) accountable to make sure funds proceed from you (the Ho) for the “accident”.
If however, somebody hits on you, a Ho, with no invitation, the John still expects the you to pay $300.00. This is because the John calls it “Accident Involvement”, and in spite of the fact that you were completely innocent or maybe by your actions saved a person’s life you will still pay. If the John makes the rules, he wins but he can only win with the help of a Commissioner and in Washington State that person is
Mike Kriedler the Commissioner of Insurance. Not only is he aware of the scheme, he blesses it.
I say follow the money, or better yet, tell me how to get a job like that.
If you had an accident in which you were an innocent party, your Insurance in Washington State will go up, and Mike refuses to do anything about it.
“The best thing I can say about the ACA is this: In the 1960’s one of the largest and most lucrative brothels in Nevada was shut down and taken over by the government for tax evasion. This brothel had been in operation for more than forty years and had been a million-dollar business. Six months after the government took it over, the business declared bankruptcy and was liquidated. The moral of this story is that we have handed over our entire healthcare system to people that couldn’t even make money selling whores and whiskey twenty miles from Las Vegas.”
-Derek Peterman
Comments section at the independent jourval, via theconservativetreehouse
Posts: 146
Incept: 2007-12-20
The citizens of the USSA will be lying face down with the government’s balls well up their colon, pockets turned out with nary a dime, and I don’t think it will be enough to incite the change that is needed. The reason: the majority of people are stupid, scared, or stupid and scared.
I see a nation of chronic wasting diseased deer staring dumbfoundedly at a very big headlight.
2014-01-03 09:25:05