The Biden “Army” – IOTW Report

The Biden “Army”

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

WH and Biden Are Creating Their Own Version of a Retarded Hitler Youth

Joe Biden has not yet officially announced his bid for re-election, but is rounding up hundreds of self important Gen Z social media “influencers” to spew WH propaganda and deflect from Biden’s disastrous economic and foreign policy record. And soon, may even have their own dedicated circle jerk briefing room at the White House for influencers to meet in person, a sign that the traditional Press Briefing Room no longer would be the administration’s only messaging center. more

10 Comments on The Biden “Army”

  1. This is right on the money, but didn’t go far enough. Biden has his own retarded enforcement branch too. Tranis, BLM, and ANTIFA. I’ve read they will all get activated well before November 2023. Plan accordingly.

  2. Great movie, the battered bastards of Bastogne and the 101’st Airborne Division took hellacious losses during the Battle of the Bulge at the end of World War 2 and prevailed against the Nazi’s last push of WW 2. They didn’t give up and neither should we. I have one word for the left, NUTS!

  3. Biden’s Socialists will control all forms of communication through censorship and propaganda. This includes control of newspapers, magazines, books, art, theater, music, movies, radio, television and internet social(ist) media influencers.

    Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels is looking up from Hell in Admiration for the Biden Administration’s new Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

  4. When unemployment is high and .gov freebies disappear, there will be plenty of scumbag applicants, just like in the days of Hitler.
    And you can bet they’ll have no issues with dealing harshly with the “problems”, like Jews, gypsies and other designated enemies of the state.

  5. You mean, designated enemies of the state as anyone who disagrees with their liberal/progressive bullshit. Anyone who is Christian or an orthodox Jew, doesn’t believe in globull warming, normal straight white male/females and doesn’t think that gay males or lesbians and other assorted sexual freaks deserve more rights than they do etc. etc. etc. Hates Biden and the democrap party as well as RINO’s, hates hollyweird, are pro-life, the lamestream media, academia, doesn’t send their children to be indoctrinated in pubic schools and the left in general because they are evil/demonic people who are hellbent on destruction of everything good in our society.


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