The Biden/Leftist/Retard Gaslighting on the Border – IOTW Report

The Biden/Leftist/Retard Gaslighting on the Border

13 Comments on The Biden/Leftist/Retard Gaslighting on the Border

  1. One finger, ok 🖕 Abbott can take a mechanical handicap finger & go fuk himself, enjoy. Not gonna bee a good month for Conboy, no worries plenty o spiked kool-aid for all. Your gonna need it!

  2. Joe can’t help it, he’s just the end result of what democrats thought they could get away by running a functional nation with a part time puppet reading a teleprompter that spews non-stop BS. The only people who were fooled were democrats and 2 or 3 sheep. They should stop kidding and lying to themselves and take a close look at the damage. But they keep drinking their own cool-aid by the gallons, avoiding mirrors and the truth.

  3. Mike Johnson, Speaker says Joe ain’t runnin’ the show. He also states nobody is telling us how to anything. Turns to Velvet wannbe Elvis, Mr Mr Trump I mean Elvis what’s next? Mike Johnson America’s #1 PUSSY/suckup.


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