The Big Lie Is That Cheney Is Still A Republican – IOTW Report

The Big Lie Is That Cheney Is Still A Republican

Kurt Schlichter

Good riddance to Liz Cheney – Yo Lizzy, don’t go away mad, just go away rejected and humiliated back to the smoldering ruins of your failed dynasty. Her ejection is the minimum act of political hygiene necessary to demonstrate to the base that the Republican Party is no longer the cruise ship fleet of the past. I’d ship off Adam Kinzinger too, but his new pals the Democrats will take care of that simpering suck-up soon enough when they gerrymander his Illinois district into oblivion in 2022.

It seems ridiculous to have to say it, but you cannot have a senior leader of the Republican caucus who spends all her time trashing the GOP base as she shimmies and shakes for the delight of her media buddies. They’ll always make it rain with praise and applause for a self-hating con. The base has seen this before, and it is in no mood to be lectured about its perfidy by the likes of the Beltway Cowgirl, who never met a corporation she didn’t like or a war she didn’t expect your kids to fight for her.

The left and the media, which are the same, have been trying to help her by pretending that the issue is her courageous stand against the guy who hasn’t been president for a hundred days. It’s Cheney courageous, certainly – she runs the terrible risk of media acclaim and a cushy sinecure at CNN when her constituents toss her out in the primary. more

11 Comments on The Big Lie Is That Cheney Is Still A Republican

  1. Cheney’s problem with the Republican leadership is not what she stands for and does, which they mostly support in principle, but that she is not subtle enough about it and too many of the Republican commoners are catching on to it too quickly.

  2. Oh Christ, if ANYONE thinks that the Republican Party represents the interests of hard working, everyday, middle class Americans, you are fucking asleep.

    The Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, is “spearheading” the move to oust Liz. Yeah so? These knuckleheadsin the House are going along with the destruction of our economy. The dollar has lost 10% of it’s value in the last year alone. The GD CofC writes all of our legislation and believe me, they sure as hell don’t give a shit about what these ridiculous cut-outs and loopholes are doing to us rubes.

    I can name 3 or 4 R House members that are worth a shit(and Jim Jordan is most definitely NOT one of them). Where were these shitheads when Laura Loomer was deplatformed and why didn’t the Republican Party offer ANY fucking help? Where were they when she took the fight to the SC? yeah, fucking AWOL

    Where was this asshat when the fucking election was stolen? No where to be seen. All it takes for evil to succeed is for those who have the power to stop it, to remain quiet. Oh wait, Jim Jordan sends out mean tweets.

    It’s sickening.

  3. Tony R- I deleted the comments. Anonymous had lifted word for word democratic underground (a cult) talking points.
    Liberals don’t get to comment here.
    Not until Conservatives can comment on the liberal run social sites.

    Own your censorship, liberals.

  4. “Liberals don’t get to comment here.”

    You don’t like what’s said, ya’ cancel it.

    Go ahead and delete this too, but you will know what you are when you do it.

  5. What Republicans? There are no REAL Republicans left in this government. There are the “say all the right things to give the peasants hope” fake Republicans, and the RINO, communist and proud of it
    Republicans. I am Independent for good now. I’ll never trust a Republican anything again.


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