The Bigger Story Behind the James Wolfe Indictment – IOTW Report

The Bigger Story Behind the James Wolfe Indictment

CFP: It is important not to get so granular that we miss the big picture.  The indictment of former senior senate intelligence committee staffer James Wolfe is filled with information to highlight a much bigger picture. [Indictment pdf here]

Keeping with custom, and a very familiar pattern, you will note the big DOJ/FBI investigative happenings are all timed to trigger when President Trump is outside Washington DC.

Note also, it was the Senate Intelligence Committee where Wolfe worked.  CTH has continually stated the SSCI is one of the most corrupt committees in congress.  It did not come as a surprise to see the staff from this specific committee leaking secret and top-secret classified information.  The committee rots from the head down.

According to the indictment Wolfe was notified by the FBI of a classified intelligence leak investigation on/around October 30th, 2017.  From the indictment we see that Wolfe was interviewed and confronted by FBI investigators on December 15th, 2017.  After admitting he lied to those FBI investigators Wolfe resigned from his position.

On December 15th, 2017 Wolfe was busted; the FBI had him dead-to-rights.  However, the grand jury proceedings didn’t start until May 3rd, 2018; and the indictment was sealed until June 7th, 2018.   That means there was six months of investigative work taking place between busting Wolfe on Dec. 15th, and indicting Wolfe on June 7th.

On December 15th, according to the indictment, the FBI investigators were aware of four specific journalists, “reporters”, who participated in the leak material.  They likely had more to choose from, but selected those four for specific intents and purposes in the confrontation with Mr. Wolfe.  The reporters are not named, but their activity is outlined enough so that it is possible to determine who is who.

From the indictment [Note Male-1 is Carter Page]:

  • Reporter #1 is likely Manu Raju of CNN.
  • Reporter #2 is definitely Ali Watkins of New York Times.
  • Reporter #3 is likely Marianna Sotomayor of NBC
  • Reporter #4 is likely Brian Ross of ABC


10 Comments on The Bigger Story Behind the James Wolfe Indictment

  1. This explains why this sneaky love rat was not charged with the more serious felonies of leaking secret and top secret classified information to his journalists friends. Apparently, Mr. Wolfe has been assisting the FBI in rounding up other culprits. This is a fabulous development. I do believe it is about to get a lot more interesting. Perhaps a Senator or two?

  2. You feckless cunt Congress!
    Just go after Rosenstein & Mueller and work your way down! At the same time go after subordinates so they know you mean business. Idiots

  3. Extirpates: “Mueller best be careful or he will get charged as an accessory in the plot to overthrow President Trump.”

    From your keyboard to God’s ears. 🙂

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