The Biggest Douche – IOTW Report

The Biggest Douche

Joe Walsh says he will support the democrats over Trump because he’s a DICTATOR!!!!

Ummm, what has he dictated?

Walsh, the moron, doubled down. He went on to say he’d rather have a socialist in office instead of Trump! (Because, as we all know, socialists aren’t dictators.)

Hey Walsh, I’d rather have a dictator in office that is dictating for the right than a dictator that is dictating for the left.

29 Comments on The Biggest Douche

  1. Love the pattern of the RINO losers getting shafted, kicked to the curb and marginalized while the dems are being taken over by radicals lunatics that can’t even imitate a sane person.

  2. Brad, No feeding tube Brad. Cancer in four places.

    SirCum, yep. Gonna make it. Radiation on brain to follow next chemo series. Hope I don’t come out of this with the IQ of a voting California Dem.

    Claudia, thank you.

    I’m so full of P&V it will take more than the docs and cancer to kill me. LOL. Although listening to Walsh could do it.

  3. “Hope I don’t come out of this with the IQ of a voting California Dem.”

    Not possible, LOL.

    I love your great attitude. You’ll win.

    P&V also prevents the lefty-wussism-N-numb-brain disease:)

  4. prayers for you PJ … show Rush how to tough it out!

    btw, I’m envisioning ‘The Biggest Douche’ … & it’s a Fire Brigade manning a high-pressure hose facing Nasty Pelosi, spread-eagle yelling “give it to me boys!” … as they fight down the bile & vomit from the sight & odor


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