The Black Hole of Islam – IOTW Report

The Black Hole of Islam

The Guardian- “My teacher called me a ray of sunshine,” says Maysa, whose real name has been withheld at her request.

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A year ago, that sunshine dimmed. First she donned a jilbab, the loose gown and headscarf worn by some devout or traditional Muslim women. There was no more dancing or singing – favourite pastimes before – and no more cigarettes either. There was no more music, whether her preferred American gangsta rap or anything else. Maysa had never drunk alcohol but went out with friends who did. That ended too.

Only now is she coming to terms with what happened. “I look back and it is like a black hole,” she says.

It is impossible to corroborate all of Maysa’s account of her journey into radicalism but social workers who know her well have confirmed many elements while experts say her story is “depressingly familiar”.

The first approach came through social media.


I take umbrage with the term radicalization. She came to Islam. Not radical Islam. ISLAM.

10 Comments on The Black Hole of Islam

  1. Exactly and the only thing that’s going to solve this problem are warm gun barrels. After watching the security footage in the airport it’s tough to feel any sympathy for this idiot

  2. A man stuck in traffic on I-25 near Denver asks a Police
    officer about the delay as he walks from car to car speaking with each of the drivers.

    The cop tells him: “There are three Muslims blocking traffic threatening to douse themselves with gasoline, then set themselves on fire if we don’t get them airline tickets to the Middle East. So we’re taking up a collection for them.”

    The Man asks: “How much have you got so far?”

    The cop sez: “About 30 gallons, but a lot of people are
    still siphoning.”

  3. “The worldwide persecution of Muslims”? Guardian, put the cup down.

    Worldwide many Muslims *are* killed–by Muslim terrorists. The “persecution” bit is typically used with implication that it’s a Western act, or that non Muslims are the perps.

    If they want to include Muslims killed in acts of terror in the tally, fine, but don’t pretend it’s other than what it is.

    Most persecuted group is Christians–worldwide. I wish these assholes at the Guardian would show me the Christian death squads, or evidence of networks of Christians recruiting teenagers to go to savagery boot camp.

    The selective blindness is so freaking infuriating.

  4. Thanks for adding that last sentence, Fur. It is Islam. Period. To suggest that it’s radical implies that there it is a sane and reasonable “religion” that somehow it is being corrupted by maniacs.

    Satan puffs out his chest and flashes a proud, content smile when he sees what islam has unleashed on this willfully blind and gullible world.

    And, the worse is yet to come.

  5. Rhettsgirl, what makes it worse is that we were warned time and again. Winston Churchill had some experience recognizing and fighting evil, but even he was ignored.

    I do believe we will defeat this evil, but the damage we inflict upon ourselves in so doing might be great.

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