The Blue State Conservative – IOTW Report

The Blue State Conservative

Here’s a fairly new site that has essays, opinions and commentary worth checking out.

If you enjoy The American Thinker, you will enjoy Blue State Conservative.

Take a look.

5 Comments on The Blue State Conservative

  1. Thanks for the share, I’ll give them a look.

    A blue state conservative suffers from a very unique set of difficulties. Not only is he an island in a sea of lunacy and never has an adequate or reliable voice wrt his government representatives, but all of the dopey leftest policies that plague the nation are exacerbated in our blue states. These states suffer more from homelessness, unemployment, high gas prices,woke schools, illegal immigration and a crippling (for those that pay taxes)welfare system that looks on them as a cash cow to fund their social programs.

    We do not have the luxury of neighbors that hold our values, we must look to a select list of friends who must remain silent for fear of retaliation and cancellation. That and internet validation from well written blogs and conservative websites.

  2. Not only are Conservatives living in blue states, but they could be living in a red state, however their particular city and county is blue.
    Just look at Austin or San Antonio, TX; or Indianapolis, IN. Frustrating and aggravating…

    There are no clear-cut divisions, like the Mason-Dixon Line of years past.


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