The bottom of Pacific Ocean is getting colder – IOTW Report

The bottom of Pacific Ocean is getting colder

Scientists say the cooling “is likely due to the Little Ice Age.”

7 Comments on The bottom of Pacific Ocean is getting colder

  1. “Water is most dense @ 3.98 C / 39.16 F”
    According to physics, relevant densities would cause stratification, with colder, denser water being found at lower elevations. As water approaches freezing, it becomes less dense, and ice itself floats. The coldest water is not at the bottom of the ocean. The earth is cooling, and if water temperatures are found to be cooling, that would not surprise me at all. It would be expected. Given the laws of physics and gravity, this points only to a global cooling.
    Schools should teach the Milankovitch Cycles, which can be found discussed on the above site. Given the state of education today, it would not surprise me to find many believing the sun goes around the earth.

  2. Wait – didn’t they just recently tell us that all the Global Warming was hiding at the bottom of the sea, and that’s why we can’t find it anymore? Is that how it’s hiding? By being cold? It’s silly enough to almost make one think they’ve been lying all this time…Nah. That can’t be it.


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