The Boy With The Henna Tattoo – IOTW Report

The Boy With The Henna Tattoo

I know we’re supposed to tear up and think these pictures are fabulous and joyous.

But after watching The Boy With the Henna Tattoo, two gay men with an adopted boy makes my skin crawl.

I know we shouldn’t paint with a broad brush, but, my feelings are my own.

This documentary is horrendous.Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 12.21.46 PM

30 Comments on The Boy With The Henna Tattoo

  1. Men with a sexual attraction to males should NEVER be allowed to be around boys. And TWO guys with same sex attraction with boys? What could possiby go wrong????

  2. On a social engineering level, it would seem to me that this is a bit of social recycling ( i.e.take kids who are living today) and give them unreproductive parents, while indoctrinating them. But hey, I’ve tried to teach my kids the truth on life matters; up to them if they take it to heart or not.

  3. If you line them all up just right, you could take them all out with just one bullet and do the world a favor AND conserve ammo.
    Couldn’t use a hollow point, though. Decisions, decisions.

  4. I believe those poor little boys would be considered FIT’s…Fags in Training. I didn’t come up with the phrase…it was told to me by a couple of homosexual guys I knew years back. They meant it more as they could spot a boy who’d grow up to be gay…but sure seems appropriate in this situation. Even if the dad’s have the best intentions, those poor wee boys have a tough life ahead of them.

  5. Classic and textbook. Great post BFH.

    Listen again to the 42 minute mark. That’s classic Kinsey.
    When I was 5, we lived next door to two women who looked like men. My mom went hysterical on me when she saw me on their front porch talking to them. I then got the ultimate in “Don’t you ever…” Mom must have had radar. I just wanted to know why they looked like men.

  6. You learn to put everything in God’s hands. I’d bet most of them have a deep faith in Our Lord. I don’t believe it is just a job, it is a calling for them. Also, just like care givers need care givers occasionally, those people most likely have (hopefully) solid psych people to talk to.

  7. 43:42 – Oh poor Peter T. – not comfortable being portrayed as a monster…previously claiming indoctrination. Soorry Pete, you are a monster and you will pay for your crimes. Pete is excrement and his lawyer is about the same.

  8. I think he’s a little boy in his head who wants everyone to love him. He doesn’t grasp or is doing a great job of rationalizing the totality of his crimes. The super monster is his partner.

    The shrinks that works with these two in jail will really need other shrinks to talk to after each session with these guys. I just hope an arsehole one doesn’t declare either of these two “cured.” No such possibility sans a touching miracle. I’d still put a boot on them even after a miracle.

  9. This will be very interesting when there are muslims and sharia law running portions of this country. One thing we have is plenty of tall buildings. Can’t you hear them now…but we supported yoooooooouuuuuu…..SPLAT.

  10. I like to try to guess who the ‘woman’ is and who the ‘man’ is in homo photos.
    Second one down…woman right….man left. I think Hasbro should make a board game like this.
    # 4….same thing.

  11. Not kinder Aunt Liz, just somewhat understanding of how they got that way. I don’t mean understanding in an emotional way, just very well read and studied.

    Unfortunately there are still duffuses (spelling) out there in the psych world who think these people can be rehabilitated. Not. Porn of all types actually changes brain chemistry. That’s what got the RC church in so much trouble with pederasty. The perv priest got sent away to be rehabilitated, the bishops believed the shrinks knew what they were doing, and believed the perv priests were “cured.” Not.

  12. Pederasty is nauseating.
    So is the murder of the innocents.
    As is socialism.
    And Satanic izlamism.

    We will pay for allowing this.

    And the payback won’t be as cheap as a Babylonian exile.

  13. I personally think they should make a follow up documentary on what happens to these imprisoned for child abuse when they are behind the bars and put it on the web as a precaution. I also think that all pedophiles should be fully castrated, first as they are caught.

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