The Bush Dynasty Vs Paxton – IOTW Report

The Bush Dynasty Vs Paxton

Paxton Impeachment Trial – Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Cuts Right to the Heart of It, The Bush Family Influence.

CTH: As the second day of the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took place, his lawyer Tony Buzbee brought immediate sunlight onto the motives of those who want Paxton removed.

Ken Paxton defeated George P. Bush in the primary race.  The Bush clan and professional republicans in the Texas political circle were not happy.

Jeff Mateer was the Asst. AG when Paxton took office; Mateer is part of the professional republican apparatus who did not like Paxton, and Mateer became a whistleblower against his boss.  In this soundbite Tony Buzbee puts the timeline of activity in front of Mateer, including the date that George P Bush reactivated his law license.  WATCH:

16 Comments on The Bush Dynasty Vs Paxton

  1. TONY

    Well they have all been BFF for decades.
    “peas from the same pod”!

    Which is why I never voted for GWB! “Dubya” was a leftist Gov 25 years ago; so of course hw was a leftist President!
    HE , “Behind the scenes” continues to run the far left wing of the TX GOP.
    IMHO a stinky turd!

  2. ANON

    Only in the projections of liberal “news” : CNN, Fox, NBC.

    Jeb! finished 8th or 9 the several elections. NEVVER BETTER THAN 3RD.

    What killed Jeb was his defense of GWB’s Crime dDsaster created by his “open borders” policy; in 2006jwb said
    “When a criminal alien rapes a 3 year old ITS AN ACT OF LOVE!”! !*&?!@#$! Jeb quit before coming in 4th in his home state.

    MSM has always been fans fo lib Bush Clan; so of course THEY said he was favorite. MSM stopped being “news” 65 years ago. IF THEY EVER WERE!

  3. Anonymous,
    What law did he break?
    And you claim he’s guilty BEFORE the trial?
    You must be one of those demonrat/nazi/communist/socialist/satanist/nihilist totalitarians.

    Enlighten us!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. To the Bushies in Texas Dan Patrick is guilty of high crimes because the defeated Patrick Bush in the AG race. Patrick better be found not guilty! Texas needs him to keep filing lawsuits to stop FJB crimes in Texas.

  5. Bushes are as crooked as any of them. They are in fact great friends of the Clintons. Had them up to Walker’s Point for the weekend before the installation of Pedo Joe.
    Phony bunch of swamp rats.


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