The Campaign to Normalize Terrorism – IOTW Report

The Campaign to Normalize Terrorism


A bombing in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood wounded 29 people Saturday night. Another bomb was found nearby and defused. Earlier the same day, a bomb had gone off in New Jersey, causing no injuries. On Sunday more bombs were found and defused at a train station in the Garden State. Meanwhile in Minnesota, a terrorist with a knife wounded 10 people in a mall Saturday before being stopped by the proverbial good guy with a gun.

Because nobody was killed (save for the Minnesota terrorist) in any of these attacks, many commentators are at pains to minimize them. Politico’s Jack Shafer:

In a rational world, we would interpret the inept crimes of accused pipe bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami as evidence that 15 years after the big one, the terrorist threat in America is akin to a brush fire—the kind of thing that inevitably flares up and causes some damage before the experts put it out. Instead, thanks to the cable news channels and some in the Web and print space, we’ve turned it into a mighty conflagration.

Shafer has a peculiar idea of reason. His imaginary “rational world” is one in which men still set off bombs in cities. The only difference is that the Rationalians are largely indifferent to such violence. New York magazine reports that some New Yorkers have in fact taken that attitude, or at least that posture:

Following the Chelsea bombing that occurred over the weekend, there was lots of talk online about how many New Yorkers weren’t fazed or scared by the incident and the potential groups or motives behind it. To which, Twitter user @BobbyBigWheel (known in the real world as Robert Wheel) started a running list of the things one actually has to fear in New York. Ranked number one: getting pushed onto the subway tracks. No. 8: finding out your neighbor has bedbugs. No. 1,563: ISIS.

One thing residents of dense cities don’t have to fear is “a brush fire,” Shafer’s analogy of choice. It’s a terrible analogy. For one thing, brush fires in populated areas (e.g., hilly suburbs) can destroy many homes. The death toll is generally limited because such fires take some time to spread, making it possible for residents to be evacuated.


ht/ zonga

17 Comments on The Campaign to Normalize Terrorism

  1. They need to defend the insane idea that Islam is just another religion and not to be feared. The dailly events worldwide prove otherwise.

    I suspect most are shills and there is some financial incentive for them or their pubications. Follow the money.

  2. If you normalize terrorism doesn’t it just become a normal everyday common occurrence that no one pays attention to anymore? Because of apathy or indifference or it’s no big deal because we’re being turned into sheeple and as long as the bread and circuses keep coming we’ll just let it continue on our merry path unaware for the most part of our imminent destruction. I am not a friggin sheeple, terrorism is evil and always will be and should called as such each and every time it rears its ugly (hydra) head. Woe unto those who call evil good and good evil which is pretty much where we stand as a nation today.

  3. They’re easier to absorb when they’re minimized…

    “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.”–BHO

    Got it? STRONGER.

  4. I don’t have television, but when at my mother’s home I see them reporting terrorist events like they are sporting events now. Yes the progressive movement is working overtime to normalize terrorism.

  5. It is just like when the NAZIS started gathering up the Jews and carting them off to concentration camps. “You will ignore the smells and ash; now take off your rags and get in the collective shower rooms”. The Liberals and Progressives like Phauxcohantas Warren, Clintons, Bushes, Obobos, RINOs, Muslims all want the masses destroyed so the New World Order Elitists can purify their realms by destruction of the unwanted. These targets prefer to ignore the signs and keep on munching their turf until the trains arrive to cart them away.

  6. Did you ever think you’d live in a world where a savage animal hell-bent on killing gays would do that specifically and horribly in a Florida nightclub, and the media AND the gay community would yawn at the story a week later? The same media and gay community that gave us months of outrage over a friggin’ “WEDDING” CAKE? Being an islamic savage means never having to say you’re sorry.

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